Hi everyone. Does anyone know if APS affects your teeth for some reason mine seem to be rotting at an incredible rate even though I brush and floss etc. My dentist has done a little bit of research but can't come up with anything. Any ideas would be most welcome. Im on clexane 80mg ×2 per day . Thanks
Teeth: Hi everyone. Does anyone know if... - Hughes Syndrome A...

I'm also on clexane, but my bad teeth related to no saliva from sjogrens, now controlled by artificial saliva.Will be interested to see your replies if there are links to APS.
The medications can destroy bones and teeth. I was on lovenox and prednisone for just a few weeks of pregnancy and ended up with a terrible cavity and super thinning teeth from the meds. My teeth had always been strong and only tiny, minor issues before.

Is your dentist aware of the link with Sjogrens? It is important to get some help with this, some people get prescribed a type of artificial saliva? Can you ring or email your dental team for help or your GP? MaryF
It would seem to make sense - tooth health is dependent on blood flow for nutrients and oxygen, so micro clots could affect that considerably. And with links to Sjogren's/Small Fibre Neuropathy/Mast cell dsyfunction/thyroiditis too, all of which affect oral health.
Warfarin (I do not know if this applies to clexane) inhibits the utilization of Vitamin K -- which is needed to build strong bones as well as anticoagulants. Some doctors still recommend patients try to avoid all sources of K, such as leafy greens. Other doctors (usually more recently trained) suggest adjusting the warfarin dosage to accommodate a healthy diet with ample leafy greens. And now that you mention it, looking back I note that I had very strong teeth with few cavities UNTIL I went on warfarin. Then I had a streak of 2-3 cavities showing up every year, UNTIL I consulted with Functional Medicine in Cleveland and I upped my greens intake and also upped my warfarin. Since then (its been 4 years now) I have had 1 caveity. Just 1.
I’m also on Warfarin and there’s usually some small treatment needed when I visit the dentist so it must have some connections My INR takes some regulating and I was advised to not stop my healthy diet I.e greens etc although in small amounts and they’d rather increase my Warfarin than me not eat greens etc
I’m having a terrible time with my mouth. I think it’s a combination of Sjogrens and blood thinner meds. I’ve had three teeth break and/or have to be pulled.