I’m asking for my 40 year old husband.
Since September he has been quite unwell.
We returned from holiday and about 3 days later he developed a red raised itchy rash on his torso. ( it was a bilateral rash) Two out of hours GPs said I was on allergic reaction to something. About 2 days later he woke with a severe headache, photo phobia, temperate of 34.2 and the rash changed and looked like sepsis. 111 sent an ambulance and he was sent to hospital with suspected Meningitis. All tests for this were negative, also CT on torso fine and CT to check brain was ok. He was discharged a week later with migraine.
It took about 2 weeks for him to feel better from this. But was left with severe fatigue ( sleeping 12hrs a night and napping during the day)
About 3 weeks later he had 3 episodes of vision loss in his right eye. lasting about 10mins each time. After the 3rd he finally saw a GP who sent him to the stroke clinic for a suspected TIA.
All tests at stroke clinic and eye clinic were ok. Brain MRI did show micro bleeds. Bloods ok. They refused APS as said it wouldn’t be as others normal. Diagnosed with migraine due to age but said can’t rule out TIA.
Since September he has had headaches non stop with shimmers and flickers. He sleeps all the time ( tested for apnea but fine)
2 days ago he had another vision loss same as before about 10mins black curtain effect.
Propanalol for migraines hasn’t done anything.
His mum has tested positive for ‘sticky blood’ after TIA and takes clopidogrel.
The doctors have been useless so we are considering going to London Bridge.
He does have history of ptsd and chronic pain due to being injured in Iraq in 2008. The doctors blame everything on this.
I have obstetric APS and knew some of the symptoms could be possible APS / autoimmune but this is fallen on deaf ears when we see the GP ( but to be honest I have no faith in the I was told I couldn’t have clotting problems after 3 healthy pregnancies so went private)
He has a family mums side history of hashimotos thyroid and lupus too.
Many thanks if you have read to the bottom!!!