Can you go to a and e I suspect I have fibroids or early menopause... Have for a while pain is awful at times and makes eyes water.... I have gynaecology appointment September shall I wait or get seen quicker
Silly question : Can you go to a and e... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Silly question
Hi Rachel,
Is this pain the same pain that you have been having for the past few days?
When was your last gynae appt? What was said at that time regarding your uterus, and hormone levels? We’re you told you were going into early menopause via testing results? If so, was an explanation given as to why this was happening?
The reason I ask is I went through a similar ordeal at age 45 or 46? , ( 4 or 5 years ago?) so a bit older than you. ( well, 45 at surgery, but I had been dealing with it for several years prior, probably 8 years prior.)
I would go to the a and e if you do have fibroid cysts. The blood supply to them can become an emergency situation- the cysts ,” demand” an ever increasing blood supply and an ultra sound can show complications - the cysts can out strip the ability of the blood supply formed per cyst. It can become a painful emergency.
I had a hysterectomy, cyctocele, rectocele, and enterocele all at the same time. Ovary left. ( I only had one due to an earlier ectopic rupture/ pregnancy.)
The uterus was very very heavy, full of fibroid cysts.
It was about a year and a half before my APS diagnosis, but I was very sick with APS . Just undiagnosed.
I was still menstruating- not even in pre menopause.
After diagnosis, I rapidly went through a very unusual rapid full menopause- my gynecologist said likely because I was very ill.
I would go to A and E if you know you have fibroids in uterus. ( I was prolapsed at plus one.)
Make sure you do not have the emergency situation I did. I was in massive pain and nauseated- taken into theater straight away.
Was told I have bulky womb followed by water infection 9 days in hospital in January xxx Dr sent home said if prob persists go Gp and refer gynae... Did this she gave me tabs and fobbed off... Saw my aps specialist in April and explained and she referred me to gynaecology then.. I now have appointment September.... Pain is and sick feeling every day since Jan.... I suspect early menopause or fibroids as have symptoms... Need confirmation tho... I still hVe periods but change in cycle... I've been steralise since 29 I'm 34 now... Not feeling at all right... Do you think I should go a and e... Thank you so much for your help
Rachel, as you know, we are not doctors.
I would say not all things are APS related, but because we have APS, it does make it really complicated. Therefore I think if you have the feeling something is just not right, you should strongly consider it.
I do not know what a , “ bulky womb” means. But it might mean enlarged or prolapsing uterus. Why? I have no idea. This is why you need a doctor to advise you, or diagnose a differential diagnosis altogether.
Maybe it’s nothing to do with your uterus at all, but an ovarian cyst? Maybe gall bladder? Maybe an early UTI? Who knows? That’s the point. Who knows! Maybe a doctor! (😉)
Let us know!
If you are feeling very very ill and the pain is unbearable I would go and get checked out, KellyInTexas has given you a very detailed answer to what was clearly a similar problem and this would be useful in terms of how you speak to any doctors you encounter in this situation, do take somebody with you to fight your corner. MaryF
Have you phoned 111 thats if you are in the Uk. They can be very helpful in giving you advice.
I have numerous fibroids myself which have made my womb measure like a 38 week pregnancy.
Only you know what feels right or wrong. Got my fingers crossed for you xx
We seem to know deep down if something is not right but we want confirmation that we should contact emergency services. I am much the same, I put up with pains for a while but then start thinking things are not right but I don’t want to be wasting people’s time! I think you should ring 111 and get the ball rolling. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Even if you get sent home, it will give you peace of mind. xx
Aww lovely. My husband is bed bound with ms and so I’m always on my own when I go to hospital. I’m used to it now and if someone does offer I say no otherwise I’d fret at them wasting their time! Daft I know.
Hmmm I just typed a reply and think it evaporated in the ether!!! I’m usually on my own as my husband is bed bound withMS. I’m used to it now and if anybody does offer I turn them down. There is nothing like a mum when you are in pain. Take care. xx
Whoopsie I found it 🤣🤣🤣