First off, apologies if I've adked this before. About 2014 I noticed a sudden downturn in my memory, its been really bad ever since. It effects long and short term memory, I'm not sure if its a side effect of my blood disorder or something new.
Memory problems: First off, apologies... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Memory problems

Hi Tomcat,
I wonder if you found a new Specialist from the ones Mary suggested some time ago?
Memory-issues is one of the most common problems with HS/APS.
Last time you wrote on here you were only on Aspirin which is not an anticoagulant. Probably you need something stronger like Warfarin or Heparin.
Important that you keep your previous high bloodpressure down as it can be a severe symptom of HS. Ask you GP for bloodtests as to B12, D-vit, Thyroidea-panel (all the tests).
Have you repeated the bloodtests for HS/APS? I do that twice a year here in Stockholm.
The two most important things when having HS/APS is 1) having a Specialist of autoimmun illnesses (probably a Rheumatologist specialized in these illnesses) and 2) a proper and stable anticoagulation.
I know you had a new job so it is important that you are feeling as good as possible.
Good Luck from Kerstin in Stockholm
I agree with everything my colleague has said re anticoagulant.
I went through s sudden loss of memory and was found to be B12 defiencent. Now on medication. Memory has now improved.
Where are you from Holly ?
Originally from Hertfordshire, since Sept 15 I now live in Devon. Still under my specialist at St Thomas's. You?
I live across the puddle -- Penacook New Hampshire USA . I have been in this forum for almost 7 years now i think - have meet some very incredible knowledgable people here . Some over sea's i talk to via Telephone . I have an international calling plan - some in some countries i can call that country they don't speak English so we leave it to the site HA HA -mostly England are where the people I talk to the most , just have to remember the time difference.I really enjoy talking to them . The very first two people i talked to on my first attempt were from England, and though they are not on the site much at all anymore we still talk by phone and have become good friends.
That's because your a sweet young man and are positive. Good for you jet🐸
Sweet ?? ----- Young NOT ----Man YES -- and if you would like to talk some time PM your phone number -That would be great for me -I love talking to people from other countries -- I will pay the cost it's only .08 cents a minutes for a land line and I think .28 cents for a cell phone. so it is real cheap . Thanks for your kind words my friend
Casey and I
Your bio says you were 15 when you joined in 2011, so I figured you were around 21. Sorry if I mis -spoke. What type of dog do you have?
Chihuahua , he is 13 years old and has been my service dog for 4 years now -he goes every where with me. Smart little guy - he holds 4 certifications.
I transpose numbers at times so it would certainly not 15 - i wil have to check that - your the first to mention it --Thank You . Not to worry about mis spoken - nothing you could say would offend -WELL almost HA HA .
I was recently asked to have blood tests by my doctor and I was found to be low inB12 and Vit D, these where prescribed and my memory did get marginally better, sadly they where only prescribed for a month so I'm now back to square one again. I haven't as yet looked for another specialist as its been a rough few years. I will try snd find one soon though. Thanks for your help.
Where are you from Tom ??just curious answer only if you want - I like to see where our people are from -you may have told me - I say my brain is like aluminum foil ---{ NOTHING STICKS HA HA HA
I'm from Lancashire in the UK
Hi Tom,
You can be glad to live in the UK as those people living in the US, as for example Jet, have great problems to get a Specialist of autoimmun illnesses and HS/APS in particullar.
Hi my Swedish connection . ho w are you my friend??
I am ok today. It is raining in Sweden for midsummer so I am doing some writing to help Mary who is "in the mud" (hope not) on a music-Festival.
I think she should have some time free and enjoy life after all her work for us.
Seeing my Hematologist on July 19. It is a bit difficult to keep the INR in range lately.
Your Swedish "connection" and friend. Give my hug to Casey!
I will my friend- best of luck to you on the 19TH -what do you think is going on with the INR ??? Do I get a hug also or just Casey ??? I guess i can hug myself for you !!!! What do you think
We will see if I change to Fragminshots perhaps. But I have heard Warfarin is better with HS/APS and it has worked so far exstremely good with me. I let you know.
Yes you can give yourself a hug from me as you wish!
I need to get a map of the uk and start plotting peoples area's i can call people in England , Pm me if you are interested .I have memory issues and Alzheimer's in strong in my family both My parents suffered at a much older age than I am now but they didn't have the other medical problems i have so anyone's guess .
So its been a while, memory is slowly getting worse so I’ve asked to see a specialist again, at the moment it’ll only be a local one but I may seek a recommended one once I’m up and running. I’m also starting to see a memory specialist who seems to have knowledge of my condition so hopefully that will be of some use.
Hope everyone is doing ok?
Been seeing a memory specialist for the last six months in the hope that they could work out what was wrong, after numerous tests they’ve come back and said that I dont have dementia so they’re discharging me back to my doctors. Feel utterly devastated now as I thought I might finally get an answer to my memory problems.

Well good news you don't have dementia!
I see in your post your memory improved for the month you took B12 tablets - I wonder if thats the key and you are B12 defiecient which effects a lot of us?
Worth having a blood test to check your levels, as well as Vit D and thyroid panel.

My levels only stay 'normal' if I take the supplements. If I stop they immediately drop and my memory and brain fog comes back. I understood once defiencent I would have to take for life as there was no cure?
Tomcat I don’t think you can overdose on B12... why not buy some supplements over the counter? Take them...
Then see how you feel.