We live in Western Colorado and are in desperate need of an APS specialist in Colorado or Utah. My husband was diagnosed a year ago and between the neurologist, hematologist, and Rhuemitologist no one wants to take the lead or help make decisions. He is miserable and sick of doctors!
Colorado Utah APS specialist? - Hughes Syndrome A...
Colorado Utah APS specialist?

Jennifer Juhl Majersik, MD, MS may be a good resource. It states online that she has a particular interest in APS. healthcare.utah.edu/fad/mdd...
Dr. Jill R Schofield is an amazing APS specialist in Colorado. She has a new practice and has a wait but I'm sure if you call you can get an appointment. So worth it, she saved my life!
Dr Schofield has just opened her new location in Centennial, CO. This is her new location: immunoehealth.com/divisions...
Phone number is: 303-773-9000
The very sweet receptionists are a little overwhelmed with the volume of scheduling Dr Schofield's patients from her old clinic. So be patient, and have your insurance card ready. I'm hearing many are on hold for a bit before they can get thru. In addition, many are being put on wait list due to high demand.
But Dr Hughs has co-authored papers on APS with her and I have found she is the only specialist in our region. If you've been dx'd with APS, she can help.
Good luck!
Dr Jill Scholfield is who a lot of us see in Denver. Her number is 303-773-9000. She may be booking through November right now. Good luck and I'm sorry about your husband😟

Great information sharing going on guys, many thanks. MaryF
Also go to web site apsusa.org! I found a great Rheumatologist thru that site! Very good Doctor! He also has an immunologist in his office he wants me to see! Good luck and hope u can get an appointment fast!
Sorry it is apsfausa.org
Please contact my doctor, Daniel Wallace. MD in Beverly Hills, CA. It would be worth a short plane ride for an initial visit and video calls are available too. I understand your husband's frustration. I needed a doctor that could triangulate this condition for me, along with all of the adjacent issues associated with APS. You will be grateful to meet Dr. Wallace. He is the preeminate APS specialist on the West Coast.