I've noticed that many APS patients have allergies to meds and other things! It seems to b very common with APS patient! I'm wondering why? Is allergies autoimmune too and is it common in APS patients! So curious as me and my sister bit are allergic to many meds and environmental!!! We both have APS also!
ALLERGIES AND APS : I've noticed that... - Hughes Syndrome A...

Allergies I believe are autoimmune but not positive.
I have many allergies to meds now even when I reeived transfusions I had a reaction and broke out with hives. ow when needed I have to be prtreated befre. I also have many seasonal alerges now which I never have had before.
Yes me too and My sister too, Nanny 23! She is also on this forum! Good Luck and feel better fast! Godspeed!!!

I have diabolical allergies at times, however I am careful to keep my iron, B12 and D up to the right levels, have also ditched gluten out of my diet completely, that made my allergies very severe, sneezing, runny nose an stomach ache, also if your thyroid function is not good allergies are more prevalent. MaryF
I have so many allergies that I had to go for a patch test, I could not believe the things I was ellergic to. I year I spent in hospital over 4/5 months because of a DVT then turned into cellutis, this led to a bad infection and looked like that flesh eating disease. It ended up that I was ellergic to the medication creams, the bandages, antibiotics, etc. Also the red band they put around your wrist for allergies. I can't wear compression socks because I'm allergic to them, so I'm prone to clots. Elastic is one of the worse, just think what things have elastic in, even down to underwear. Dust, latex, food, I could go on. Im just grateful I have a great family, carer, and doctors.
I only got these allergies after having my first DVT. I think they should have put me down at birth.
I'm so sorry u have to go through all that! So many thing these days have elastic and the other things ur allergic to in them! You have to be so careful! Good luck and I'm sure God will help you find a way to be happy! I'm glad you have family support! That's half the battle! My sister Lynn, also on here as Nanny 23 has been supportive to me! She also has APS and thyroid issues! I kinda forced her to be tested once I found I had it! Good Luck and Godspeed!