Recently Diagnosed! Having some weird... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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Recently Diagnosed! Having some weird symptoms? Can anyone help?

LeanneLouise15 profile image
12 Replies

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to have a look at my question. Cut a long story short I was recently diagnosed with APS after a lot of miscarriages so I'm currently awaiting hematologist appointment on Monday! So I'm a tad anxious. But what really bugging me is since September I've had twitching! Like twitching in my calves mainly but have been also in my foot, bum cheeks, back of thighs and the odd time in my thumb. Also to this I have a new symptom of a 'warm sensation' a sort of if I was near a warm radiator that seems to come and go within a few seconds and can happen a few times a day. This is really scaring me as I have turned to Google and now I've totally convinced myself I am doomed. Has anyone had these sort of symptoms. Had blood work done and all was fine except slightly lower B12 but I've taken strong B12 tablets and I've no relief. I'm literally an emotional mess at the moment and I can't keep the fake smile on my face any longer the worry is eating away at me.

Sorry for waffling!

Leanne xx

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LeanneLouise15 profile image
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12 Replies
MaryF profile image

Hi and welcome, where are you located? I am glad you are seeing a Haematologist, I hope they are well read regarding the condition! All sorts of symptoms can be problematic with Hughes Syndrome/APS which is why your Haematologist will work out the best sort of medication for your own personal case. MaryF

LeanneLouise15 profile image
LeanneLouise15 in reply to MaryF

Hi Mary,

Thanks for your reply. I'm based in the west midlands UK. Touch wood so far miscarriages have been my only problem. But now these twitches and sensations have took my mind completely over. I just can't understand what's wrong with me. X

MaryF profile image
MaryFAdministrator in reply to LeanneLouise15

Sorry to hear about your miscarriages. Please do have a really good look around the charity website, this is one link from it:


Lure2 profile image

Hi and Welcome,

There are several "sensations" with this illness. Sometimes you think you are quite "mad" and you also get afraid. My eyes jumped up and down when I later learned I had a TIA.

I had the oppsite; I had a feeling like going through "coldness". It happened before I was anticoagulated (all these things happended before I was anticogulated) and it happened sometimes twice a day. It lasted a minute or a little more. I got used to it but I have asked here if someone else had this feeling but I have not heard of anyone else.

Hope you understand that it is good that you have got a diagnose. This APS never goes away but it is treatable with the right anticoagulation. Try to learn as much as you can.

Best wishes from Kerstin in Stockholm

SueLovett profile image

Fear not Leanness what you describe is not unusual with this illness and does improve with treatment. I have experienced similar symptoms but they have subsided since being on Clexane.

As Mary says there is a lot of information on the Hughes Foundation website. Remember you are not on your own so keep in touch and let us know how you get on with your appointment xxx

GinaD profile image

Your comment about suddenly standing beside an imaginary radiator causes me to wonder if you might be entering peri-menopause and you are having hot flashes.

You have been given good advice in the earlier posts. Read and learn.

And you might take some of that stress energy and channel it into making a bullet point list of symptoms to present to your doctor. Channeling stress into list making is a technique I learned from my cousin, who dealt with the number of medical issues all her life.

Good luck! And let us know how it all turns out.


Sandrapanda profile image

So very sorry about your miscarriages Leanne. I know that pain very well. :( With regard to "twitching", I have a lot of that but mostly in my legs and feet, as well as the backs of my thighs...esp. after sitting too long, or in a cramped position. I can feel the veins in my body twitch, and what tends to help is doing a lot of ankle raises/rotations, and making sure to get up and move about a lot every ten min or so. As to temperature changes, I can go from hot to freezing cold and back to hot, but I find most of the time I am freezing cold while others are warm. It can be 70 degrees Farenheit in my home, and yet my fingernails will be blue. i have always chalked that up to the poor circulation/APS issue as well as thyroid problems. Make sure to keep a journal of all of your symptoms and what time of day you experience them...where you are, what you have eaten, etc and bring it to your specialist so that you don;t leave anything out. Hopefully they will be able to help pinpoint when these symptoms are appearing. Many folks on here seem to feel some relief of crazy symptoms once they are properly anti-coagulated. Hang in there!

Lure2 profile image

Hi there,

When I read your answer I wonder if you are properly anticoagulated as you have Vertigo and you can not drive because you can not focus. I had that before I had started Warfarin and sad to say i sold my car before I knew I had microembolies and Warfarin took away the neurological symptoms I had lots of. Hope you have an APS-Specialist!

Best wishes from Kerstin in Stockholm

Lure2 profile image

Vertigo is a middle or inner-ear-problem and I had a specialist of Balance-issues (the best in Sweden actually) . He told me it was caused by microembolies as I had also a leftsided otolitdamage after my TIA. After I started Warfarin it disappeared. This is a symptom of neurological APS.

That is why you should see an APS-Doctor as it is most likely caused by APS and you may need to be properly anticoagulated. I selftest with an INR of 3.2 - 3.8. It is important (if you have Warfarin) that the INR is STABLE to be protected from further clots and embolies.

Look for another Rheumatologist who is interested in something else than your knee! Does not sound as he was a Specialist. I guess he did not want to show you that he did not know what APS is. Doctors are only human beeings.


MJ23 profile image

I think there are a lot of different symptoms going on with APS.....I've had twitching, but relate that to being tired all the time....or stress. Just an example, when my 16 yr old son is being extra eye Good luck with your appointment Monday. The people here in the support group when I was first diagnosed were so helpful........ at least I think it's the same group that was originally thru Yahoo. Check out the website as Mary says. Good info!! :)-Mindi

Juejue11 profile image
Juejue11 in reply to MJ23

lol at the sassy teenager. My eye also twitches when I am particularly annoyed. Usually it's an outward indication for people to scatter and leave me alone. I never put this down to a symptom, rather me being unstable and it being a safe measure for others lol. No memory of things I need and I remember stuff I don't need. Old age or APS? I will be 50 next year. This forgetfulness is scary

mylafont profile image

I had full on jerks on my right arm and right leg. When I was laying down I could be described as flopping like a fish on dry land. It seemed to calm down more after I started and increased the Topamax after finding out I had seizures probably caused from blood clot. But I was also still working on getting on proper dose of warfarin. I think it was the Topamax. I still tremor when I have pain or am uncomfortable about something physically or mentally, but nothing I cannot control when I concentrate on it.

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