After much reading on line I am a bit confused. Is La, anti phospholipid and Huges all the same? Any help to clarify this for me would be appreciated. Thank you
Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with SLE 20 years ago and last week with LA.

Hi there and welcome, yes, all the same, Hughes Syndrome, APS, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Sticky Blood and the misleading name Lupus Anticoagulant. Where are you located? Do have a good read through our charity website, and feel free to ask questions, we all learn from each other on here.
Thank you for responding so quickly. I am located in Stratford Ontario, Canada. I will check out the link. I am also sure I will have many questions. Thanks again.
Hi there we do have a few Canadians on here, however I enclose this link as there is a dr in Canada on this link:
Hi and welcome. As Mary has said they are all the same. The LA is one of the three tests for APS.
Thank you for the welcome posts.