I always have headaches and thought that they would go if inr was higher. My range is 2.5-3.5 but my last test yesterday was 4.7 as I had been taking antibiotics. Now I've got headache and feel abit fuzzy. Any ideas anyone xx
Does anyone suffer from headaches and... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Does anyone suffer from headaches and dizzyness when inr is too high?

Maybe you are still adjusting after infection and antibiotics, it can take a while to settle down. I am not on Warfarin but antibiotics make me feel awful for days afterwards. MaryF
Hi lewcar1,
When I was on antibiotics a couple of weeks ago my INR was like yours. Very high! I had to eat a lot of brusselsprouts to get it down. I selftest so I could take a test every morning then. It took a while even after I had stoped the antibiotics before it came down to my normal 3.5 of INR.
Yes I felt dizzy when the INR was high and also I was not well because of my infection.
Have you got an APS-doctor now? Was your liver function OK when they tested a couple of months ago?
Best to you from Kerstin
My symptoms return when my INR is raised above the 4 level, the antibiotic as others have said also interfere with my INR as does infection too
The only time I felt really bad was when my INR was above 7
I feel lightheaded and fuzzy when my inr is too high. Headaches, inability to concentrate and completely fogbound and exhausted when it is too low.
Those are similar to my symptoms. I had antibiotics for a week as gp thought I had sinusitis again bur a week later I still have same symptoms. Headache, dizzyness, pain and pressure in face. Im still waiting ( over two months now) for appointment for consultant. Gp doesn't no what to do with me so feeling really fed up now. I am writing everything down so can show doc when I get to see him. Thanks for your replies xxx
HI there,
Yes I get some similar symptoms if my INR is high. We are all very different in how we react to Warfarin and changes in INR. Also what you may associate with high INR can be as a result of something else as MaryF says you may be adjusting after the infection.
What I do is I have experienced both high and low INR's and have a note of exactly the symptoms I experience at each level. Now I can tell in the signals of my own body when my INR is high or low. I can then ask for an additional INR test from the nurse to confirm it and then I try to use the relevant foods to compensate where I can or they will increase or decrease the warfarin.
Hoep that helps
Cath x
Yes as above I have almost the same signs, muddled, words, walking in people's way, short of breath, unable to walk far, exhaustion,
I thought today that my INR was either high or low it was 3 lovely that I have a coagucheck machine
The only reason I think I was not right today, was caused by stress as in 'normal people' stress causes lots of problems