Hi you all, this question came from the blog. A reader asked me if it is there any relations between aps and increase of pain during pms? As far as I know there is not a relation between them. Dr. Roger also disconsider this relation, but, do you know anything about this?
Any relations of Hughes Syndrome with... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Any relations of Hughes Syndrome with severe pms symptoms?

Hi there whether Lupus or Hughes, it appears that the hormones cause a flare of symptoms, I certainly have had a terrible time since age 12, often at times unable for a week or more to either go to school or work. I found childbirth quite easy, due to what I had put up with for such a long time! Mary F x
All I know is that starting at age 15 my first day period was painful and downright dangerous. I would faint, vomit, become so weak I could not stand up. And most people around me (except for a few female relatives) told me it was all in my head.
Often, when I could not get myself home in time, ( I typically had an hour's notice, ) I would wake up in an ER to a doctor convinced I had an ectopic pregnancy, fibroids or some horrid infection. Nope. "Just" my period.
Finally one of those ERs referred me to an OB/ GYN who suggested I try those ( then) new NSAIDs, naproxyn. Magic! wonderful! What a difference! I was not comfortable, but I could walk, talk and function!
The first symptoms of Hughes did not come until my 30s, and both of my pregnancies were uneventful.
So is there a relationship?
Just to be awkward I had easy uneventful periods. Sometimes 36 days apart, very light sometimes just 2 or 3 days long. Getting pregnant was so easy, after that no so easy.
But from junior school I had a permanent headache, honestly everyday. That was my APS clue. As time has gone on other symptoms came in one by one.
I did not start my periods until I was 18. I had two pregnancys at 21 and 29 which were both complicated (I was not diagnosed) my periods have been very irregular and my symptoms are worse when I'm having a period so from my experience I believe there is a link and it most certainly would be interesting to see research on this. I truly believe that my periods started so late and the reason for irregular periods is connected.
When I was younger my period was completely pms symptom-free shy of not being regular. After my diagnosis in my late 20's my period suddenly became horribly painful for the first two days... I won't be graphic but everything is pretty much done by hour 48. And almost always get a migraine and cramps... Never fid prior to APS but then again maybe it was my 2nd birth that changed it.