Am I right that a TIA doesn't necessarily show up on an MRI?
Following my afternoon in A&E I had an brain MRI and last Fri got results. The dr said that the good news was the MRI is clear but he felt that I was probably having TIA's. He said that his own APS patients do not have as many of these attacks as I seem to be having. He told me what I must ask my own APS consultant. He thinks that the artery that goes into the language centre is being compromised hence why my speech goes.
He says continued use of warfarin should make the attacks fewer & further between.
Having suspected TIA's - will that ensure I stay on warfarin?
As my INR & attacks are so unstable my consultant has referred me to St Thomas' (appointment next week).
I seem to have tons of questions but don't know where to start.
Thanks for reading.