speech problems: Does anyone has speech... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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speech problems

Wenz15 profile image
13 Replies

Does anyone has speech problems sometimes? I find that when I am really having an APS day I find myself tripping over my words and find it hard to talk .... anyone have similar problem?

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Wenz15 profile image
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13 Replies
daisyd profile image

Yes I know exactly how you feel, I come out with the wrong words several times a day, I think I am trying to laugh about it, but on the inside it really hurts.

Perhaps one day !

Take care, a lot of people on here will be the same

Hi Wenz15

Yes, I have noticeable speech problems, I am all over the place sometimes words don't come out as they are meant to. I cannot have long conversations. Many times I get my words jumbled and staff/friends say go back to what you started before. I jump from one issue to another so when they ask me to revert back to an earlier situation I cannot remember what I had said. I also forget half way through conversations what is I am trying to say. I like the PC/Laptop because you can cut and paste and put things back in their right boxes/ paragraphs. I have some input into a book that is being published next year, and I feel proud that people think I am capable to write. I was last published in 2009 where I had a chapter in a book, all research based.

Since my last stroke I have problems swallowing food, do you? I have had TIAs since then.

My right calf at this moment is agony and has been for a few days. I think it needs looking at. I will ask my care coordinator this morning what I should day. I do not want to another day at A+E. So I might phone haemo or health centre. I have to go tomorrow anyway.

Thanks to everyone who helped me get over a difficult day on Sunday, my sister had died a year ago of a TIA.

laserlight profile image
laserlight in reply to

When I read "My right calf at this moment is agony and has been for a few days." it jumped off the page at me because it sounded so much like something I went through. By now you'll have been to your morning appointment and it's good that you are seeing your haematologist tomorrow. I hope you got and get your questions answered today and tonorrow about the pain in your calf.

It's probably crossed your mind that your pain could be a DVT or some other type of clot. If it didn't come up this morning, tomorrow, also consider asking about the possibility that it could be intermittent claudication. This is where your muscles scream at you because of lack of blood supply to them and therefore lack of oxygen. In my case, this was caused by a clot in my femoral artery.

In my experience, painkillers don't touch it or maybe just take the edge off the hurt but it can't hurt to ask about it, can it? If it is any of these things it's URGENT and although you "do not want to [have?] another day at A+E", if it were me, I'd go right now.

Still, if it was discussed this morning, that's probably where you are.

Best wishes and all the best treatment,


Manofmendip profile image

Hi Wenz

Yes, I certainly suffered from this.

I was better on Warfarin but I'm even better now that I'm on Heparin instead.

Best wishes.


I do. I just thought it was me. I had a stroke (TIA) and thought it was from that. It is nice to know that it is not just me. I also seem to trip over my words when using the computer also. It is kind of funny sometimes when I say words backwards. Just don't be hard on yourself. No one should feel bad or hurt inside. I have found that people seem to understand if they know you and if they don't it is not a big deal. We can't sweat the small things.



MaryF profile image

Hi there, I do have some very bad days where I miss out words, and say sentences the wrong way around.. I seem to have a mixture of flares going on! Then I get whole periods of time where it is ok. My daughter gets this also, and at times loses her speech! Mary F x

jessielou profile image

Hi wenz

Yep, another one with Hughies speech, frustrating sometimes, but just have to laugh at some of the sillies I come out with, eg "just gonna get the dogs to let the kids out for w##"

Doh, made partner n kids laugh though! :-) :-) Suzypawz n I meet up and have lovely hughie chats. Is great no one else has a clue what we're talking about! :-)

Take care gentle hugs love Sheena xxxx :-) :-) :-)

margaretjo profile image

Yes this happens to me especially when im having a bad day

take care xx

Salty profile image

Same as Dave. I had this before I got on heparin and plavix, but no longer.

donnabrain profile image

yes, when tired or stressed I stammer, I frequently cannot think of the word I want,occasionally I slur, that,s the one that embarasses me the most in case people think I have been at the sherry!and when exhausted just a complete load of nonsense comes out. My son know that if I point to something and say mnmnmne, It means can you pass me that please:/

Charli84 profile image

Yes I get this to. Last Saturday I was working in a shop, serving customers and a little old lady asked me for a lucky dip on the lottery. I repeated it back to her to make sure I heard right and instead of saying lucky dip I said " one lucky dick on the lottery?" I realised what I said and the lady was staring at me horrified.... I hate the speech days, especially when I have to serve the public xx

Everdean profile image

I get this too quite a lot. Just can't remember words I want to say and then coming out with a word that doesn't sound quite right. I also forget what I'm talking about in mid sentence. I don't feel embarrassed, just aggravated. No one as yet has made me feel upset about it.

Don't worry. Just laugh.


I also have difficulties especially when tired och stressed.

I say the wrong word. Sometimes I say things without thinking first. Later I wonder why I did say that.

Cannot remember words. I feel embarrassed but sometimes I laugh. It depends on who i am talking to. Perhaps people thing I have some sort of Alzheimer because I am retired and soon 70.

The hospital has tested me and found my difficulties. However it is not so serious. I think people observe more than they really do.


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