I have suffered 6 miscarriages and was referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic where I tested positive for the lupus anticoagulant and was therefore retested 12 weeks later and the test was negative. I understand it is a difficult test to perform should I ask them to conduct the test again or accept the diagnosis as correct
6 miscarriages. 1st positive anti coa... - Hughes Syndrome A...
6 miscarriages. 1st positive anti coagulant test 2nd negative.

I had this happen to me and then they put my blood through a more sensitive test for the lupus antibody called the Russel Viper Venom test. This was positive so I would ask which test they did. I sympathise with your loss, I lost twins late on. Also the level of LA in the body can fluctuate and the less sensitive test doesn't always pick it up. All the best xxx

It does sound to me as if you have this condition, I am pleased they referred you there, to the clinic. However you did have one positive test and the tests are not one hundred percent accurate for everybody.
I am so sorry you have had to suffer your losses, you will find many women on this site you have been through similar and can advise you as to the tests and also progress to be made, and of course their own path with this, so a big welcome to you.
Probably at some stage you may get another positive result in a test.
Mary F x
I am so sorry for your loses it is heartbreaking as many of us know on here. I myself have lost 3 but had a fantastic consultant who began the testing quickly and I was 'lucky' enough to get two positives even through they were transient the first two tests. I do not think it is a complicated or expensive test and I would definitely ask for a repeat test.
Even with 2 positives I paid privately to have a TEG test which measures your blood clotting and the found that 75mg aspirin was not enough so I will need 150mg plus celaxane if I am lucky to conceive again.
With your medical history I would certainly pursue this further.
Did they also do anticardiolipin and antibeta2glycoprotein tests?
I had recurrent miscarriages and was positive for the latter. Some doctors are not repeating the test - my consultant took the first test result and started treatment for Hughes.
Lynn. x.
Thanks all. I have called the Consultant and am awaiting a call back to discuss further.
Hi hon
I'm so sorry for your losses, it's heartbreaking to hear you've lost so many precious little ones.
Push for further testing, I'm lupus anticoagulant positive, sometimes high, sometimes low, as catesykes above the Russell viper venom test I believe is much more sensitive.
There are also quite a few people who are sero negative, meet all the clinical symptoms side, but test negative on bloods.
Keep pushing hon, I hope you get the help and correct treatment.
Take care gentle hugs love Sheena xxx