Since having my first Afib episode in over a year after an ablation in March, 2022, I've had a very few additional Afib episodes. What's new is an almost daily spate of readings from my Kardia of: 'Sinus Rhythm with Supraventricular Ectopics", "Sinus Rhythm with Wide QRS", "Sinus Rhythm with Premature Ventricular Contractions, and "Unclassified."
A caveat is that everywhere I research, I find that these conditions are almost always paired with Tachcardia which is not true for me as I tend more toward Brady Cardia, around the low 50's or even in the 40's.
When I asked my Cardiologist if I should be concerned or do anything, he said, "We don't treat those." I have my first appointment with a new EP on 10/19 to discuss the possibility of a second Ablation. Anyone here have experience with these readings?