Sure that there may be a thread somewhere , but cannot find it! Diagnosed with P AFib post planned ablation for SVT , after 20 years of problems . Would like a reliable device to monitor hearth rhythm, does anyone use an Apple Watch or similar? Or Kardia device? Which is best please? X
Does anyone use an Apple Watch or sim... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Does anyone use an Apple Watch or similar to monitor Heart Rhythm?

I use an apple watch and make great use out of the heart monitor function within it. I have a series 2 which does not have the new afib detection function but it's great none the less for monitoring heart rate i.e. bpm. It doesn't monitor rhythm as such. I have a kardia for checking my actual rhythm which is a fantastic piece of kit.
Thanks so much for that info. My Cardiologist mentioned Kardia but didn’t give me any info. Does it link to an iPhone do you know? Am tempted to get both, but trying to be realistic and work out what’s most effective vs cost too ! My slight worry is having extra wi Fi kit on all the time,as I worry that over use of Wi Fi ( for me anyway) is not great for my heart rhythm. It’s a bit of a double edged sword, we live in an old house with thick stone walls walls, Wi- Fi can struggle to connect sometimes
Hi, I have a Kardia and linked to my iPhone. I’ve used it a few times and it shows ‘normal’ no irregularities. I need to check it more often. Bought it on Amazon. They try to get you to pay for a subscription, costs £9.99 a month 😳 I don’t, not paying that price. Then you get only 2/3 functions, that ok as I’m not bothered with the other functions. You can still email the chart to yourself. I also have a fitbit 2 I use it to look at my HR, it’s not too bad, check it against my BP machine.
The Fitbit doesn’t show on it any AFib, you can check the ap on your phone to see how high/low the HR go’s. I was wondering about an Apple Watch.
I have used a Kardia and had to buy an Apple iPad in order to use it. Kardia now don't support my apple version so it is defunct unless I buy another expensive apple device.
I have recently bought a Snapecg device very similar to Kardia and find it good.
I have SVT now diagnosed as AVNRT. I noticed it because I do a lot of cycling and use a heart rate monitor with a chest strap and a garmin monitor. I also use a Fitbit. A few points, my cardiology team generally say don't use any of these in that they aren't that accurate and the ecg or loop recorders etc will get a proper diagnosis. But, my heart strap seems to pick up my high hr when I have an SVT episode. The Fitbit (and iphone app) use a light that shines on your skin to detect heart pulses. These don't pick up my high hr as well as the garmin. Sometimes the garmin reads 150 and the fitbit says say 80. I know it is about 150. I actually have a linq recorder at the moment. I chose not to have an ablation as my episodes aren't that serious. The bottom line seems to be though that Fitbits, Apple watches etc aren't that accurate but could be used as a guide I suppose. I think the Kardia is better but I haven't used one. Not sure if this helps.
Kardia works
Fitbit is not reliable. I still wear mine but last stress test I did at the hospital for my SVT, it do not pick up a huge episode I had with heart beat at 210 for several minutes! It registered nothing!
If you have Apple Watch 4 then it has ECG monitor hardware built-in. But it has to be approved in your country otherwise the function is disabled until then.
Pretty sure it won’t work uk
I agree with previous posters. Fitbit takes constant samples but averages them out over 5 min (not helpful when tracking heart condition) and is often not accurate even when your looking at your live heart rate. Apple Watch I find to be a little better in that it takes samples every 5-10 min and gives you that snapshot info in various apps you can use with it, however it is also not always accurate and especially during exercise. I use a wahoo Bluetooth chest strap that puts the heart rate reading on your watch and it is very accurate. Polar makes a good Bluetooth chest strap too. But, watches and chest straps are just for getting a good idea of your daily rates but if you have an “event”, best to take a few samples with a Kardia device. There is an app for your phone and it’s very easy to use and doctors recommend and trust it. And I would have to guess that it’s more accurate than the ecg directly off the newest Apple Watch, though I haven’t read about it so you may just do some research.
I have the Apple 4 Watch. I think the ECG part works great. I use it whenever I have an episode. I can then immediately text it to my Dr.
Do you live in UK ? Am uncertain whether ECG function on Apple 4 is licensed in UK though?
No it hasn't been licensed in the UK yet unfortunately. The next best thing for an all in one, is the kardia strap for the apple watch.