Hi - I've just moved from Bisoprolol to Nebivolol to try to address the stubborn insomnia I have - the transition is making me feel a bit physically strange, tired and light headed - is this a normal part of changing beta blockers? - I only had my first 2.5 mg of Nebivolol last night and again this AM. Will it take a while to settle down and get use to a new drug? I'd be grateful to hear your experiences.
Transition from Bisoprolol to Nebivolol - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Transition from Bisoprolol to Nebivolol

Hi I am also on 2 x 2.5 mg of Nebivolol tablets a day but have never experienced the symptoms that you describe. I am also on 1 x 10mg Ramipril a day too...whether that is anything to do with preventing those symptoms I don't know.
I think it is normal. I felt the same when I started to take it. I also take 2,5mg in the morning and the same dose in the evening. ( Dr. prescribed me 7,5 per day but it was too much for me - too tired. )You will get used of it. It is a good med. and 5mg per day is not a lot. I take Nebilet for more than 5 years. I sleep very well.
I’m looking forward to sleeping after my few weeks with Bisoprolol - sleep hasn’t come yet - it’s probably still in my system.
Let your cardiologist know this, they'll have to find a different beta blocker to try, praying that they find the right one for you🙏🙏🙏
When did you stop the bisoprolol? It takes a week or two to get out of your system, so be patient. If you have any problems that concern you after that - see your doctor as Spanaway suggests.
Για και από εμένα ειμαι από Ελλάδα και δεν ξέρω αγγλικά ίσως κάποια μετάφραση να σας βοηθήσει δεν ξέρω τελικά τη κάνετε εγώ παντός Αλλαγή από concor σε bistolic άρχισε να με παίρνει πιο γρήγορα ο ύπνος και λίγο παραπάνω ενέργεια την πρώτη εβδομάδα ένιωθα λίγο νευρικός με την αλλαγή από 2.5μλγ concor σε 2.5μλγ bystolic και ένα άλλο που παρατήρησα με το bistolic είναι ότι έχω ήπιους πονοκεφάλους και οι εμβοες στα αυτιά μού αυξήθηκαν κατά περισσότερα να είστε καλά