Frequent Pvc,Pac, couplets and Svt(Pa... - Heart Rhythm Diso...

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Frequent Pvc,Pac, couplets and Svt(Pat) nervous

Kjd7777 profile image
20 Replies


I’ve been experiencing palps since my mid 20’s. Causes me such anxiety. I had 2 eps study’s, cardiac mri, bloodwork ekg, echos, calcium channel score scan - all normal despite finding the palps mentioned above. No ablation took place and I wish it did to stop these events. I’ve been having an uptick in them lately and the dr said just try to relax. The couplets and svt scare meeee. They are fine. And if I can’t start taking propanolol 10mg 2-3 x a day. I have thyroid disease but hypo abs they said it can cause it possibly. I am at a loss. Idk y they happen And why so frequent but it’s causing me anxiety attacks and I can’t live like this. Anyone else familiar or live w this?

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Kjd7777 profile image
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20 Replies
Lauriem4 profile image

Yes i get them and have anxiety its a vicious circle x

Kjd7777 profile image
Kjd7777 in reply to Lauriem4

So sorry to hear you suffer too. It is a vicious cycle! Are you on meds? I haven’t tried meds yet but they said I can try 10mg propanolol. Hard to believe they are “harmless” when they feel not normal eps when they happen a lot.

Lauriem4 profile image
Lauriem4 in reply to Kjd7777

Yes i take sertraline and propranolol. You could try the propranolol see how it goes . Mine sometimes a soft flutter but sometime feel harder which i hate .what do yours feel like?

Kjd7777 profile image
Kjd7777 in reply to Lauriem4

I have soft thumps, hard thumps , a light flutter and string flutter that last longer (hate those) I also have svt(Pat) those are the scariest of all. I’ll feel a thump then my heart starts racing up to 150 then suddenly drops back down to normal. Thankfully it’s under a minute but it’s an awful feeling. I was even woken up by a flutter the other night from a dream I’m like are you kidding me. I’ll cough , bear down drink cold water. I try it all. Here and there I can handle the thumps but I don’t like when they come back to back for hours. Anxiety sets In. I now don’t like driving alone bc I seem to get svt a lot while driving. And dr’s say try and relax. Easier said then done.

Lauriem4 profile image
Lauriem4 in reply to Kjd7777

Yes i agree its hard to relax always worrying what kinda day youll have with them. My ecg picked up mostly pacs . Wow that svt must feel horrible then going that fast. I didn't start feeling all of mine until i had a panic attack three years ago now i feel every one x

heart22 profile image
heart22 in reply to Lauriem4

I feel everyone's pain! I have had ectopics since my late teens, and now have some SVTs mainly at night. Having lost my job and had a recent car accident , my anxiety attacks are getting worse, and had two in the last 3 days. I had a horrible twinge just below the centre of my rib cage and it then started to go quite fast and strong, I had a sensation on either side of my neck and felt light-headed and slight sweating around the top of the back of my legs. I was almost on the verge of calling an ambulance and then tried to control my breathing and it gradually went back to normal. It was the twinge below my rib cage and the feeling in my neck that worried me the most. I too, live alone, and it's hard to know whether to wait and hope it's just a panic attack, or do you call the doctor. Has anyone else had sensations below the center of the rib cage? Most of the time I get the feelings in the upper chest area. I think doctors don't seem to address the mental distress these symptoms cause, they just say you've been checked out, nothings wrong, stop worrying. If it was that easy, we wouldn't need a website like this.

Lauriem4 profile image
Lauriem4 in reply to heart22

Yes ive had those sensations below ribcage before . Yes its not easy to stop thinking about them . Sorry to hear youre suffering from panic attacks,Ive not had a panic attack for a while luckily but i do still suffer with general anxiety.

heart22 profile image
heart22 in reply to Lauriem4

Thank you for your reply.


Kjd7777 profile image
Kjd7777 in reply to heart22

So sorry you are going through this. I feel a sensation in my chest or throat before a SVT attack and it is scary. I’ll say please no don’t answer all of a sudden. Heart starts racing. Do not let doctors Dismiss you. Palps abs mental health is real. Ask for testing if you haven’t woke a holter monitor yet so it can be caught abs diagnosesd. Breathing helps. They say to splash cold water on your face or sip cold water slowly. Anxiety produces a lot of symptoms so I never know which is which. It’s a vicious cycle.

heart22 profile image
heart22 in reply to Kjd7777

Thanks for your reply.


November-rain79 profile image

Sounds as if we have exactly the same thing. I have runs of PACs and also been diagnosed with atrial tachycardia a type of SVT... I’ve been told not to worry about it but no explanation as to why at 39 i have these. The runs of superventricular ectopics are the scary ones. If it was runs of PVCs they are dangerous but apparently you can’t tell the difference which ones you are getting... I had a loop monitor fitted a year ago which has helped diagnosed these issues .. I feel in heard and an annoyance to the doctors but it’s so scary I feel I’m going to die . I live it a constant state of fear .

cherimtkc1 profile image
cherimtkc1 in reply to November-rain79

Be careful of Propanolol if prescribed. The cardiologist prescribed 10 mg as needed for anxiety/panic attacks. I was on and off of it for 11 months. Month after month I kept getting worse. Long story - it was the Propanolol that was increasing my anxiety and revving up my system. I slowly went off of it at the end of June and I am now only starting to feel almost back to normal. I still get PAC's from time to time but they are mild now. The crazy thing is the doctor's won't acknowledge it; they don't believe me.

Kjd7777 profile image
Kjd7777 in reply to cherimtkc1

Interesting. I haven’t started it yet. Mine seem to cluster. I’ll have a bad month then hardly any or a little for awhile. Just had an echo and bloodwork. All normal. They catch them on my holter and say they are harmless. Every single one I have. I don’t get it. Glad though juts don’t understand them and why I get so many diff kinds. Told me to start taking magnesium threonate

ilenuca profile image
ilenuca in reply to Kjd7777

I also have all kinds of arrhythmias, I also have hashimoto. I took a beta-blocker that lowered my pulse and blood pressure so I can't take anything. Two cardiologists I went said that all this are caused by levothyroxine

Kjd7777 profile image
Kjd7777 in reply to ilenuca

I take synthroid. Only 25 They told me the thyroid can misfire but usually hyper not hypo. So I don’t get it.

MFM008 profile image
MFM008 in reply to ilenuca

at least they are not" all in your mind". There is a REASON for your irregular beats instead of amorphous "ANXIETY" that nothing can seem to treat.

Kjd7777 profile image
Kjd7777 in reply to MFM008

Wish they could tell e the reason haha I have had a good 2 months after an awful dec/Jan where I thought I was dying. FYI PAT /SVT SUCKS

Kjd7777 profile image
Kjd7777 in reply to Kjd7777

Hoping I stay on this good path. Fingers crossed. Kidding my glass of wine with dinner tho. Now that they scared me I don’t even have a sip of alcohol.

cherimtkc1 profile image
cherimtkc1 in reply to Kjd7777

I also did a holter for 30 days and this was when I was in bad shape back in July and they said everyone Harmless as well.

Kjd7777 profile image
Kjd7777 in reply to cherimtkc1

I’m glad they are harmless. Do you rem what types they told you were recorded? I can deal with some of them - the light thumps. The double thumps scare me, flutters and i hate the PAT (SVT). My heart will start racing up to 150 at times Scary!! They say try to relax. It’s not easy.

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