Having an extra beat here and there, in mid of chest.
SOme of them are slightly painful
I think these are ectopic beats right?
Been working so hard a full time job, growing 2 businesses, always on the go.
and with these ectopics, getting more inside of head, more conscious of them,
which is making me even more anxious and exacerbating the frequency of these beats
I notice that anytime I'm present, in my body, not in my head I feel perfectly fine
I can workout like a beast, not get tired so I know my heart is okay
However I do have bad anxiety, stress. When I get anxious, my insides kinda tremble
and I get a tight chest and my heart produces these extra beats. Anyone else have this?
Trying to stay mindful, do meditation and decompress more
A few more things. Don't really sleep well, ,don't drink as much water as I should.
So dehydration can also be a cause. I'm going to change that now.
I heard NO(Nitrogen Oxide) foods can prevent this
What are some things I can do to minimzie or eliminate these EBs?
Do you think it is the anxiety causing the Vagus nerve irritation and producing these extra beats?
Thanks for any advice or help.