I suffer with anxiety generalized to be exact. Since 2018 and early 2019 I have been getting all sorts of symptoms and they just gotten worst. Now I'm not sure what to make of it but air hunger , the need to pull deep to get satisfying breathe and dizziness and lightheaded with constant faint spells for the past year. I had many test done from angiogram ct with contrast in august this year 2019 for pulmonary embolism, but it was normal . I had echo and stress test done june of this year but test came back normal except on the stress test I couldnt finish the whole thing because short of breathe and dizziness , but cardiologist said it's pretty normal with premature abnormal beats wich he says its probrally due to anxiety. I have done endoscopy in september , normal. MRI mra of the brain in January 2019 , wich was normal despite sinusitis but had a surgery for it and after still felt dizzy lightheaded so ent says it's not due to the fact and to look elsewhere for other causes. Anyways I'm constantly dizzy lightheaded and air hunger, next test my new doctor wants to do is heart holter ...does these symptoms ring a bell in any one of you. You know I'm hoping nothing is serious in the heart but if so I would like to get it treated so I can continue my normal way of life if possible..any feedback is apreciated , by the way my heart holter is 24hrs and I'm doing it this month on the 19th wich is next week
Symptoms of tachycardia ,arrhythmia - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Symptoms of tachycardia ,arrhythmia
I had the same symtoms. I regret I did not try antidepressives 8 years ago. I take them since June this year and so far I am again myself.
Congratulations, man I'm gonna try

I recomand you to try. First 3 weeks I had some bad moments. I had no apetite and many skipped beats , nausea ... and than suddenly no symptoms anymore. 2 days ago I had holter 24 hours. I was waiting 5 months. The results will be sent by post. I expect they will be OK as I had no symptoms. Good luck and keep me informed.
Good luck on your test , I'm sure there will be nothing. And hope your meds continue to work for you ,sounds like success to me
Sounds like you are having your holter done soon, so once you get the results, you will know for sure if there's any problem there. Anxiety can cause all the symptoms you describe, and it sounds like doctors have ruled out most everything else. However, if your holter monitor shows a high heart rate for much of the day, or goes up and stays up upon standing for 10 minutes or more, you could have dysautonomia, possibly POTS which can cause loads of lightheadedness and even fainting. Best of luck and keep us posted!
Thank you very much for this information , I hope everything turns out fine myself, at the same time if theres a explanation I can start to get treated 👌🙏