Hello, I am new to this community and would like to post a question. I have had ectopic heartbeats for about 3 weeks, as well as dizziness and have an appointment to have a 24-hour heart monitor fitted on 9th November. However, the ectopic heartbeats have now stopped but I still have the dizziness.
Would they dismiss me when they find my heartbeats normal or would the NHS advise an echocardiogram if I still have the dizziness? I have thought of getting an echocardiogram done privately just to speed things up. The problem is I have to move about 200 miles away at the beginning of December and I don't think I'll be prescribed any anti-anxiety medication until they eliminate the possibility of a heart problem. I tried boarding a train last Saturday but got heart flutters and really bad dizziness, do had to get off and go home.
It seems a quite frightening dilemma when I'm having a bad day with dizziness, as I don't even feel safe to go to the supermarket, let alone a 200 mile journey on a train with a suitcase.
Hope some-one can advise about getting an echocardiogram done privately (At least that way I might know whether I really do have a heart problem or just anxiety?)