Has anyone watched a documentary called “Root Cause”? I have just finished watching it twice now. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly encourage you to educate yourself on the relationship between your teeth and the rest of your body, especially your heart. If you have not yet discovered what is causing your arrhythmia, this is certainly an area you want to investigate. It’s very unfortunate that Doctors/ cardiologist and dentists typically don’t communicate, many health issues originate in the mouth. All I can say is spend an hour watching it and it might give you hope in solving your heart issues and perhaps many other issues you may have. At approximately the 58 minute mark, a dentist in the film discusses his own arrhythmia and how he came to solve it.
Arrhythmias, root canals and wisdom t... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Arrhythmias, root canals and wisdom teeth
Here is a peer review of the documentary you’re speaking of...probably explains your consultants reaction. todaysrdh.com/root-cause-ne...
I have watched it. It was educational. I just got a root canal. I work in dentistry. I am aware that root canals are super unsuccessful at actually cleaning out all the bad stuff. Thats why a new Company called Sonendo is starting to dominate the root canal market. They have a machine that actually cleanses the entire root canal better than anything. Machine is called GentleWave.
Anyways, I always have to PreMed because of my MV Prolapse before I ever see a dentist. I take a ton of Amoxocillion
I have never had a root canal but I do have a partial erupted wisdom tooth that apparently has an infection. I have an appointment bookedfor feb 25 for a consulatation with an oral surgeon. I have been living with mild discomfort and an odor when flossing that I thought was just food decay but turns out its the infection. My dentist is not ruling out that this infection (that I’ve for 10+ years) could be related to my PAFib. I’m looking forward to getting my 3 remaining wisdom teeth removed and seeing what happens. More surprising is the cone beam CT scan detected my airwar measured only 3.5mm and the dentist said it should be 10mm so he’s ordered me a sleep study to see if I’m getting enough oxygen.
So glad I found this hopefully I'll still be able to watch it. Really interesting