I have suffered from heart arrhythmia for 27 years now and have seen all manner of consultants in this time. My arrhythmia ‘s seem to have metamorphsised over this time from af, svt’s to my current rhythm which feels like 1, 2, 1, 2 etc instead of a steady consistent rhythm. This rhythm is initiated by the vagus nerve (my opinion) particularly after eating. Usually I can correct the rhythm using valsalva manoeuvres but this does become tedious. Tried beta blockers a year ago but as I already have low blood pressure I do not tolerate them well. Sorry long winded but I wondered if anyone suffered from the 1,2, beat. Thanks
Strange heartbeat and the vagus nerve - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Strange heartbeat and the vagus nerve

My experience tells me the condition of the neck and back vertebrae will cause this. I suspect the valsalva manoeuver changes the back and this impacts the nerves that impact the heart. I can change heart rate, consistency of beats, stop and start AF, change blood pressure, etc through chiropractic adjustment and manual manipulation myself. Take a look at my posts on chiropractic and maybe this is something you may wish to explore. I have been at this for over a year and I have obtained major improvements with now only a very occasional hiccup. Hopefully, improvements will continue as I continue with chiropractic adjustments. It took a long time for my back to be compromised and it will take a long time to fix it; maybe not perfectly, but this has been the best remedy I have found for most of my heart arrhythymia issues.
Thank you for your input but this is all about pressure on the vagus nerve caused by eating and subsequent gas in the stomach. I am sure these arrhythmias are not harmful but just annoying. Next time I see my consultant I am going to ask about a pip approach.
I've had ectopics at what seems like every other beat then miss one or two, very irregular. I have PSVT but I'm not sure if that's got anything to do with my ectopics as my cardiologists never fully explained. I also have low blood pressure (and bradycardia) and am too scared to take beta blockers. Did they make your blood pressure worse?
Hi, I tried bisoprolol briefly but as I also have quite low blood pressure they seemed to make me feel dizzy when getting up from a sitting position. Sadly it appears many of these medications for palpitations reduce blood pressure.
Hi Phil. I've had the condition for 45 years. The story is below. But I find that when I get ectopic beats, a dose of an antacid called Gaviscon does wonders. Something to do with the Vagus nerve I expect.
The frightening thump that we all think is the heart stopping and starting is the Premature Ventricular Contraction, or Ventricular Ectopic Beat. Instead of your heart beating 1.......2.......3 we get 1..2..............3. The "2" is the ectopic beat which could come from your natural pacemaker but might also come from somewhere else in your heart. It's just earlier than it should be. When premature beat 2 comes, the heart hasn't yet filled with blood after number one has pumped its load out, so we don't actually feel beat number 2. But then the heart fills up with extra blood in the gap between 2 and 3 and gives a powerful beat to pump the extra blood out. That's the thump we all feel. And the gap is when we all think our hearts have stopped. I have had this for 45 years and I'm still alive. I had 23,000 one day. I'm not going to die of this and nor are you. Next time you are having a bad time take a dose of antacid (I use Gaviscon) and sit upright for a while. It works wonders for me. Cliff in Australia.
Oh thank you soo much I’m going to give this a go