Does any one have constant fear/feeling of dropping dead
Heart : Does any one have constant fear... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
No, sudden death has no fear for me. I hope I die that way without any long drawn out suffering.
My fear is to have a stroke, not be able to move my body, speak, eat (be feed through a tube in my stomach) or understand the world I Iook out on.
I've always thought I'd be dead by the end of the week, but it's not been a problem to me. It has nothing in particular to do with my heart, though it might let me down. I see it as a good reason to have something extra nice for dinner tonight. I hope this does not seem to be flippant.
I used to, for about 30 years after the sudden death of my sister. I hadn’t even been diagnosed with my heart condition then. Of course when I was diagnosed, it confirmed my fears. It took me a long time to get over it but I did it with counselling and an anti depressant. Now I only get the feeling occasionally even though I developed PAF about 5 years ago. You can beat it but it takes commitment.
No more than any normal 71 year old. Seriously though I had a catheter ablation a year ago and not yet had any problems. I worried about it before when my heart rate rocketed three times in 2 years and I was in resus each time for a few hours
Yes, I feel that way when I have a run of what I have been told are PVCs. I have had irregular beats occasionally since I was a child. I had numerous episodes of them during my 20s, 30s and 40s and took medication for them a few times but never had a diagnosis. I am now 73 and after a bad night of arrhythmias I was tested and diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease four years ago. I have no other symptoms but the irregular beats. My mother and all of my children get them also. I was an on and off smoker for over 20 years. I am taking Bisoprolol and Diltiszem for the beats but recently had another bad episode and have an appointment for a heart monitor this week. I get terribly depressed with these episodes as you feel like you are dying every time. I’m not afraid of dying, just the feeling.