Hello everyone! Finally diagnosed with SVT atrial tachycardia. Two years was told it was all just anxiety and last month a monitor caught it. Nervous about all of this, im new to it and im kind of young 32. My EP said its a harder one to treat, not sure the success rate but i pray he gets it. I also want to know why i developed it at 30 years old.... I was in the army for 11 years and was healthy, i am wondering if something is going wrong with my heart to get this? Anyways, i guess this is my new home!
Finally after two years i find out i ... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Finally after two years i find out i dont have panic disorder, i have SVT, Atrial tachycardia.

Sad to hear you have a condition that your Dr says is hard to treat, but happy you have an answer beyond "it's all in your head." Hopefully between your steady research and a good doctor you both can create a plan to change things around. I went through a similar situation where I was told for years I had IBS when in fact it was PVCs. It was a relief and a curse at the same time. I get it. Take care and wish you the best of health.
I had the same happen to myself several years ago. I ham pleased that you finally got your condition confirmed and that treatment will give you like me a better standard of life. When I have my results come through I was dumb struck that I was in my 50's when I was told with no mention of it I'm my family - then I was told that normally the condition is handed down from family yo family after some research I found out that my real father who I new about but did not know him as my father also has heart problems. Onwards and upwards for you now which is a great thing..
Hi Armyguy, I have been battling SVT for nearly 10 years now and am 25, so if there's any questions you have feel free to ask 🙂
Hi Armyguy, have you been given any treatment? I've just been diagnosed with SVT despite having symptoms for over 20 years (when I was 22) but its only just been picked after a 7 day holter monitor. I'm waiting for an appointment to discuss treatment with my cardiologist. Hope you get some relief soon.
I was 28 when it was recognised I had missed heartbeats, later racing heart developed but still nobody in the medical profession treated it seriously, neither did I, I just thought it was anxiety. Finally at 69 years old I had the big one which wouldn't,t resolve itself. I have gone through hell with this for years going to a and e on a couple of occasions, I always got on with it, wading my way through the attacks not wanting to bother anyone. I take bisoprolol 1.25 mg sometimes 2 if I need to. I had 3 children by the time I was 25' looking back certain things triggered feeling my heart beat, small amount of alcohol, eating too much, tiredness and any stimulant, I had the pain killer pethidine for the birth of my children, I remember feeling my heart beating out of my body.my son has inherited the same problem but like me he just gets on with his life and takes propranolol when needed.

Mine has turned to almost daily, and some of mine cant convert out of so i just rather do the ablation and never have to deal with it again. They are annoying, give you credit for dealing with it for so long.
Hi Armyguy - In India we just take a decoction of the bark of the tree - " Terminalia Arjuna " prepared in Milk. It has the reputation for solving all kinds of heart problems. I suggest you Consult Dr.Tapan Kumar ,
Wish you best of health and long life
Hi Armyguy ,
Iv just come a crossed your message , I just wondered how you are . Did you get your condition treated . I had an ablation 4 days ago and I was diagnosed with Atrial tachycardia which I didn’t no I had . I was told it was rare in young people I’m 36 .
I’m hoping this will work .
Did you have an ablation?
Many thanks Michelle
I am also an Army veteran and had my first episode when I was 25. Now I am 33 and FINALLY was just diagnosed with SVT. I also have panic attacks and anxiety disorder which came long before the SVT. Probably part of the reason no doctor ever believed me. I don't believe SVT is the result of bad ticker, I think it has to do with heart tissue. I have also read that a lot of people develop this in their 20's. I hope you get it all figured out and it sounds like you're in good hands.
Hey im am been told its all.in my head i have all types of episodes in my body tingling sensation my head is very heavy ive been reporting this for a long time now and im told i need physiotherapy ive began mindfulness meditationit helps but not curing it still confused
Hi Armyguy,
Did you end uw having your ablation and did it work? I too have atrial tachycardia and will have my ablation next week.