Dear ladies,
Am writing this with a heavy heart. Since I had hysterectomy in February 2019, I have had a fleet of health issues. Knee pain, lower back pain, musclepainbehind the legs, vertigo, non-stop headache, pain and tingling in the left arm, photosensitivity, nasal congestion, appendectomy, name it all.
I have graduated from one medication to another. From physicians to specialists. From scans to MRIs, to x-rays, to scans and MRIsagain. The latest being blood tests for Connective Tissue diseases to ascertain what's really eating me within.
Alas! CytoMegaloVirus 'aka' CMV. Am not sexually active.I got off that band wagon many years back. How did I contract it?🤐. How long have I had it?🤐 . My neurologist did not give me any information other than you have a regenerative virus in your body and at 300%. 😔😔.
Dear ladies, anyone ever heard, had, r is going through this??
Thank you