8 months post op total abdominal hysterectomy. Still having pain from time to time.
Post op total abdominal hysterectomy - Healthy Happy Woman
Post op total abdominal hysterectomy

Hi Delzj1
It is normal to still get the odd pain from time to time it is your insides healing.
If your brave enough to watch the operation on you tube you will definitely understand why.
Good luck with recovery
Yes Im 10 months and same.
Can be right sided pain almost where my ovary was. Can be shooting pain or I can feel abdominal pain or cramp dowm low, especially if sat on the toilet.
There is lots of reattaching ligaments and blood vessels etc its definately more than a year for recovery.
My friend said 2 years on she still experiences pains.
Good luck.
Wow. Thanks for your reply.
You are welcome!
Can I ask you something? I have a huge belly 8 months after hysterectomy, is that normal?

Id say it is, especially as we are not at the stage to do abdominal exercises, Ive only started them 11 months post Op and find Im very heavy and sore, I feel stifg which is mainly in my lower back and pelvice, I feel like if I don't stretch out my core daily that Im automatically going to put myself at risk of being very very stiff amd sore by mid day.
I literally feel like a car that needs a practice run to warm up every day. I stopped core stretching about 4 weeks ago aroung my 40th celebrations amd ended up very sore mainly my back and stiff pelvice so started again 2 weeks ago and although Im managing to do so with heat patches and painkillers I feel I would be much worse off without the exercise.
Yet the time has to be right to start. I had started and stopped due to not feeling ready so your body will tell you.
I had 2.5stones in weight gain so Im working on that.
Im still in size 16 in jeans.
I was no where near as sore/stiff post C section and think its very unrealustic for women to get back to working out or weight loss goals in the 1st year. I just believe this is a mahoosively large surgery and its at least 18 to 24 months for recovery. I was a keen fitness enthusiast before hand yet have really struggled with getting back to feeling well enough to do so.
Im just into a routine from mid January and improving every day x
Good luck.
Helly, many many thanks for your reply! It's great to hear your experience. It's encouraging one step at a time I guess.
Absolutely normal I’d say. I read here that it takes 12 months for most people to heal and I think that about right for me, just over a year since my TAH/BSO. Don’t think I can cope with watching the op on you tube though 😨