Hi everyone....i feel so unwell (so so sorry because i know im wallowing in self pity at the moment) i was so good in hospital and at home drinking water etc...didnt get a UTI and didn't have problems with bowels. But now have an internal infection which is causing so much pain on my left side which is the ovary they left in. I am on anti biotics now but just feel dreadful....im tired constantly, no energy and feel so sick. Hot flushes which i didn't think i would have due to ovary left in....but they have become worse and constant headache....IS THIS NORMAL....i think i just need clarity. When did do ladies feel yourself again xxxx
5th week post op hysterectomy - Healthy Happy Woman
5th week post op hysterectomy

Oh no, you poor thing.
Hope the antibiotics kick in soon for you.
My hot flushes always give me headaches so it does seems pretty constant.
You need to snuggle up on the sofa, and take care of yourself, here if you want chat. Big hugs xxxx
Dream about getting rid of your granny pants, that should make you smile xxxx
Hahahaha...that made me laugh...i cant wait for the removal lol....nor can i wait for a proper shave...i look like ive got a pair of 60 denier tights on at the mo xxxx
Ha ha, it was a mementos day when my surgical stockings came off, legs were shaved before the imprint of the stockings was gone!
Oh no! You are my hero....I'm looking to you as inspiration.....I'm on a monthly injection to shrink my fibroids and they have bought on the symptoms of menopause. I was told about this and last month I searched in the internet and found out about Royal jelly. The one I take is stupidly expensive but the flushes are really mild and I was told they would be quite harsh....low moods don't last ...... I mean I do not know for certain if it is the Royal jelly but I won't stop taking it because I'm a mess at the best of times...and the thought of having melt downs before the op is embarrassing....I've also been taking a herbal mixture from my herbalist from when I came out of hospital with the infection.... the mixture is for keeping the infection at bay, the hot flushes controlled, my moods even and my hormones balanced....it can't be just placebo.....but I've not had the op so I don't know.....after the antibiotics please do take some prebiotic for your poor tummy. Will pray for you and sending you lots of good wishes,
Thank you so much windancer...the dr phoned me about half hr ago and said that i need to go on different anti biotics due to internal infection, so hubby picking up new prescription in the morning. He also said that my left side pain was due to this also. He also said that some women do get an infection after....just my luck that im one of them. I was just feeling really sorry for myself this morning. Luckily my hormones as in emotions have been alot better since my op....i no longer look at hubby with murderous intentions lol....hes put up with alot bless him. I have also heard of royal jelly but remember when i was little i watched a programme called "Tales of the unexpected" and the lady gave her baby royal jelly and she turned into a bee....oh my gosh im seriously going loopy lol....maybe my hormones arent right lol xxxx but overall in all seriousness....i have been well after op this is just a small drawback. It could well be due to bathing as they do say not too bath xxxx big hugs xxx
Bless you really feel for you please don't despair I was exactly the same at 5 weeks...got an internal infection and felt just awful...then a hematoma and I really looked after myself.Please just rest and take good care you will feel better.Sending you lots of good thoughts you will feel better soon I promise xx
Thank you so much CJR for your kind words....this is why i love this site so much....lovely people....fantastic advice where i finally realise im not a drama queen! And lots of giggles too which really perks me up xxx hugs xxx
The least drama queen I know....I will always be grateful you reached out to me....I seem to be getting my notifications a little late for these posts but please write anytime and rant anytime ....you are totally allowed...😊😊😊😊