On a scale of mild period pain to being in labour and giving birth what kind of pain will I be expecting as soon as I have my hysterectomy? 4 days to go and getting scared!
Pain after hysterectomy: On a scale of... - Healthy Happy Woman
Pain after hysterectomy

Hey hun i had a full hysterectomy through keyhole and i wasnt in that much pain. Just a little tenderness in my stomach. I havent looked back i feel great now and pain free from my stage 4 endo. I also had bowel surgery. Just take it easy and rest no driving etc the more you rest the quicker you will recover. X
Hi I had total hysterectomy and ovaries and Fallopian tubes removed 10 weeks laparoscopically and I only needed paracetamol for first 5 days but recovery fantastic and never felt so good!!! Hopefully it will be the same for you. Good luck rest afterwards unfortunately I felt so well I was back at the gym after 6 weeks and pulled something so had a pain for 1week. So no exercise other than walking for first 12 weeks as healing inside takes longer.😄
If everything goes smoothly, you'll proabably need some morphine for the first 24-48 hours. After that, paracetamol and or codeine for a few days. You'll be sore, but it's not like labour. Don't be a martyr, take the pain killers you need so that you get some rest and can recover properly. Pain is subjective and we all heal differently. Most get over it in a few weeks, others have complications that go on for 18 months or more. You can't really judge by what others have experienced. Don't forget, even if you've healed on the outside, the inside takes a lot longer. Xx
Hi I had a full abdominal hysterectomy in November and I was dreading the pain after. I had two shots of morphine during the night and in the morning the day after but then it was paracetamol during the day with codeine at night for about a week to 10 days. The pain was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. Hope all goes well x
Hello gamegirl please be strong and make sure you drinks lots of fluids up to the night before it really helped me and I can't recommend it enough.Genuinely the build up is the worst part and once you arrive at hospital you have all these amazing people to look after your pain.Would you believe I am writing this 24hours after surgery?!!I had robotics surgery yesterday morning and whilst yesterday was no walk in the park it was so much better than expected and I had my last morphine at 12.30pm then only ibuprofen after that...simply amazing!I had everything removed due to various issues but,I am recovering well and was discharged at 6.30pm the same day.
You can do this I promise and if you've been through child birth it will probably be a walk in the park.
Wishing you a strong and happy recovery,Clare x