Last three days, loud gurgling as stomach tries to settle, go to toilet, sit on bowl explosive water like all over bowel, anything I should stay away from, I am lying on my back, must be something I have eaten recently, hot cross buns, oranges past their use by date, I have [ouch!] diabetes 2, something off accepted diet, would milk help? I am not going anywhere, am retired, so plenty of time to settle this! Scared might burst some 'organ' in my stomach? Worst when sitting up liquid making graphic noises, trying to rest on my back, for long periods! Just done weekly shopping today, so have plenty of food, beginning to belch a bit, probably will bring up something? Any theories, helpful comments appreciated, sure it it is something quite basic?
Severe diarrhoea, coming out almost water... - Healthy Evidence
Severe diarrhoea, coming out almost water like, last three days, feel like going to be sick, loud gurgling from stomach!

Food poisoning or intestinal infections are two potential causes. A medication adverse effect is another possibility. Based on what you describe, I would be suspicious of an infection. Treatment depends on the cause. I would suggest replenishing intestinal probiotics as a matter of course. Staying well hydrated and replenishing electrolytes is very important, Foods to eat include bananas, plain white rice, applesauce, toast, boiled potatoes, unseasoned crackers, and oatmeal. All things that are easy on the digestive system. Diarrhea that does not resolve in a few days should be treated as an emergent condition. Prompt medicst attention is usually indicated.
Hope you feel better soon.
Appreciated, feel like a certain character out of "Monty Python" "just another wafer" stomach is severely swollen, house could do with a severe cleaning, coming out of bad health period!
oh my gosh!!!! You sound dreadful, keep yourself hydrated plenty , plain toast or plain basic food, plenty of rest, a sick bowl near you! Have u had a change of meds? If it continues for over 48 hours def contact your GP, all the best
Recently come out of seven years of bad health, living by myself, now retired, but house is not as "clean" as it should be🥴 in the process of cleaning a lot of 'old' "stuff" 'disturbed', got into food process, thus my present dilemma, no change of meds for a good while, had a large banana washed down last night, went out like a light, feel MUCH better now, have plenty of basic food, been scrubbing out today, thought I had some sort of food bug, very dramatic 😵 owe you one Hunter [again👍] thanks car67👌
your most welcome, plenty of rest, and chin up👍🏽