Stop my hands shaking, I cannot type with... - Healthy Evidence

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Stop my hands shaking, I cannot type with two hands, last straw reaction to AZ vaccine, left hand useless, since feb. 2021, getting better?

Adlon57 profile image
13 Replies

I have absolutely no confidence, hands all over the place, especially left, high blood pressure, get very angry at myself, which makes me worse, is there any way out of it? I have medical conditions, [epilepsy, high blood pressure, diabetes2, schwannomatosis, etc] with medications [always treating the effects, NEVER the cause; stopgap crap!] I want to live some sort of normality, as I rumble into retirement? I have been an heraldic artist! I want to get rid of the shaking, maybe whipping myself, leeches, cannabis, not more bl###y pills? There is a young man in that cadaver called my body? A major victory was lifting a bowl with my left hand nine months after having that AZ vaccine jab, lucky enough no reaction to Pfizer booster, I still have ambition, I need to get away from my place of birth, which lets be honest I have ALWAYS hated! The release of moving away, the want is not helping my blood pressure, I remember giving blood in a hospital the doctor took out the needle and was covered in my blood, squirted some 2 foot? I need a complete change!

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Adlon57 profile image
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13 Replies
piglette profile image

Have you asked your GP about the shaking?

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to piglette

Have not SEEN my GP for two years, I can't say my hands are shaking over the phone? Long winded phone rigmarole only in Northern Ireland!😤😤Unless some certain "politicians" would like to pull their fingers out!🥴 Very much Politics first, health [might be?] second!

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Adlon57

I have not SEEN my GP since 2016, but I do sometimes talk to him on the phone, can you do this?

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to piglette

I have talked to him a couple of times, but he would not know how bad my hands were shaking, he has seen my hands shaking before, long term side effects of epilim, in 2016, I was and have been tested 2021 for Parkinson's disease, both negative. Change of medication in 2016, was thinking then of taking up painting then worse side effects of new Epilepsy medication, after changes of medication, smashed chest, life threatening double seizure in 2018, then 🙄AZ vaccine in Feb. 2021, heart flutters and very very shaky hands, especially left hand where I had my jabs! Reaction to Schwannomatosis, I had a couple of schwannomas on my left arm, which appeared the day after the 2nd jab in April 2021, BUT being the only confirmed case of this extremely rare condition in UK, I and my personal specialist are left a lot to speculation?🙃🤪😤🥴🙄Whew!🤬

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Adlon57

Can you do a video meeting with your GP?

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to piglette

Thanks piglette! Afraid not too primitive over here? Although just been in touch with my Schwannomatosis specialist about my dilemma!

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Adlon57

Actually piglette found a rudimentary way of typing on laptop, stick me left hand in me pocket, no touchpad, the brain concentrates just on right hand, ok left hand goes numb after a while, [forget it!] just using mouse and right hand, I think it will eventually bring more confidence, but still awaiting return from specialist, but a start?

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to piglette

I was afraid of this, loss of translation along the "phone" "email" line, ONLY way is face to face consultation, NO OTHER WAY! Such a long time since I have seen them, they have missed SO MANY things, they are going up wrong roads in so many ways that is fu####g technology for you!🥴🥴🥴

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Adlon57

Your GP must do some face to face appointments??

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to piglette

Trying to get in to "actually" see him, ring reception at a prescribed certain time, then wait, might be a couple of hours or days for him to ring back, BUT this is not in his field, in reality seeing my specialist is the only way, as Schwannomatosis the main cause of this trouble. Neurologists; 1 for my epilepsy, 2 for Schwannomatosis. I have a "phone" appointment with my epilepsy specialist [1]on 8/04/22, my other specialist is still 'recovering' from a number of recent emails; a = A, b=B, c=C, very detailed descriptions of my health progress going back to December 2019. Unfortunately my epilepsy records pre Dec. 2013 were lost 🤬🤬🥴🙄

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Adlon57

It all seems unbelievable. I do hope you get some help from someone.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to piglette

That is Northern Ireland for you National Health is okay, but in no way is it a "System"?🥴

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to piglette

Thanks piglette for your concern👍

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