All the various food shortages seemingly on the horizon, maybe we could learn from past gloomy times, re-introduce local 'grub' alternatives, many foods will now be on short supply, for example wheat, I'm not saying "spam" for example, but surely there must be cheaper alternatives not usually used, as normally cheaper foreign imports, now become unattainable or too expensive? Any suggestions? [not too ridiculous, please?]
Seemingly with shortages around the corne... - Healthy Evidence
Seemingly with shortages around the corner, across the board, is it about time we brought back old 'past' foods we had eg back during WW2?
My sister is in the middle of writing a recipe book of war recipes. There is of course Woolton pie and Homity pie, and as you say Spam Fritters although I preferred Bully Beef!
Should sell well?👍👍 What about spinach?
Actually did'nt Monty Python do a sketch about "Spam"🙄😆😆
What about this from an 18th century Irish country recipe book?
To make Soop
Take 2 Leggs of Mutton a piece of beef or
beef & mutton put it over the fire with
allmost a pail of watter by 8 in ye morning all manner
of Herbs & a Large Onnion Cloves mace & Jamaica
peper a handfull of French barley & some
crust of white bread, about an hour before Dinner
take 3 parts of a pound of butter put it in a
saucepan & burn it Very brown, if you think your soop
will not be thick Enough Shake in some flower in
the browning which will make it the smoother
when it is browned to your Likeing through your
soop Through a hair sive into another stew pan
then have all sorts of herbs ready, parsley
spinnage Onions Thyme & Sallery Cut them small & fry
them in butter, when your soop boils throw
ym in & let them boil about a quarter of an
Hour throw in 2 anchoves hash & serve it with
bread Cut in dice & fryed brown you may leave out
ye fryed herbs & put turnips & Carrots fryed in
theire place
Onion Soop
Take white bread and cut it in dice and frye
it in butter till crisp then have ready cut a
great many onions in Slices, and frye them very
well,then pour into your pan to the onions as
much boyling water as you Intend Soop and Let it
all boyle together then Thicken it with eggs and
add a little peper and Vinegar as it Thickens
besure do not let it boyle for fear of it curdling
if you make your soop with broath instead of
water, it will be better
Oh! Yeh!