How many of you have experienced success with fighting symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with contrast baths?
Contrast Baths: How many of you have... - Healthy Evidence
Contrast Baths
You can try checking out these resources on carpal tunnel syndrome:
Arthritis Research UK:
This site is maintained by a doctor with a longstanding research interest in CTS:
And the NHS page:
Or try another community, like Pain Concern
Not an answer to your specific question. Sorry.
Many on the Thyroid UK forum believe that there can be a connection between hypothyroidism and carpal tunnel syndrome. Though there is uncertainty about the mechanism (is it due to a build up of mucinous deposits?, or changes to muscles? or something else?).
Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, but I'd like to think that thyroid issues were always considered as a possible cause or contributory factor. Even when adequately treated, there can be a considerable time, months or years, between that treatment and resolution of symptoms.
I'm not sure what is causing this problem for me, but I'm happy to do whatever I can to find solutions.
I'm also happy to receive your reply, helvella.
Thank you. <3