Palm oil what is every one view on this ? - Healthy Eating

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Palm oil what is every one view on this ?

MrRigatoni profile image
11 Replies

Trying to be fit and healthy .

Noticed the amounts of palm oil in every day products especially food we eat.

Made from palms the fruit it used as a ingredient helps the food we buy not going to oxidisation .

A preservation concerned as am the huge amounts do we need this ..

Environmental is there health risks as one time amount of salt now hight amounts of this stuff..

I do not want it in any products I but but finding it harder to get products palm free..

Even making own sauce stocks which discuss another post.

Stockcube huge amounts salt palm oil yet never knew till recently..

I also not a fan of the products of gluten and packed with additives and so on.

Experienced lately bought some packet sauces sudden pains in my stomach and feel not good..

Packets contains excessive amounts of soya and gluten for a packet sauce some people are susceptible to this as age older more disgracefully need to be aware of what exactly am eating..

Organic food here in UK is a joke too expensive.. Fruit abandonded that a while ago Apples, Pears watery tasteless.

Found preserved storage cold freezer then bought out of hibernation to stores hang on this can not go on.

When had no money bought frozen still do and dried.

Prunes, Apples sources of fibre but again sugar bit there..

Back to those.

Buying fresh veggies again this time freezer a friend.. Diced up all to sauces homemade stocks as Carrots turned black Celery two days.

Buy frozen veggies fruit saved a lot usual ones we all like but need to..

I have bought on line veg box scheme unfortunately a big con and those of my community a disabilty or condition can see.

Retailers think dumb stupid where exactly this comes from you tell me , joined several.

Arguing paying prices stinging me and making pay saying no for produce.

Last box trust me got to believe me over excessive amount made my eyes water and all for a few Apples Pears and some raggy stinking veggies.

Made a complaint and got a refund .

What is going on food production in the UK feel everything buy has no flavour taste ?

Cover most food highly seasoned lots of spices and still managed to taste how it should.

Most Chicken could be chlorine washed before we eat it how and why do we need that..

Stories of horror the whole food industry seen heard..

We need to get back to very much basics bread another one by the way large amounts of salt, sugar and additives gunk.

Sell by dates two days hang on two days why two days.

Need to add buy on line a lot have cancelled on well know supermarket order as costs deemed too high for food we need to live, I live and breathe alone but pray concern care for others who need food .

Are poor struggling financially and relaint on feeding themselves..

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11 Replies
Humblebee profile image

Do you have any local farm shops you could visit? I know it can depend very much on your location but there is one by me which is excellent, quite cheap and very fresh produce, obviously it is very seasonal. Also fresh eggs, honey, jams and other things.

I find supermarket produce (although I do buy it) can go out of date very quickly. I try to eat it within a few days but then you end up buying fresh food twice a week but the farmers stuff lasts longer because it all comes on stalks/has leaves still attached and travels much less to be on your plate.

MrRigatoni profile image
MrRigatoni in reply to Humblebee

Hello thank you for answering my post.

As a member suffering anxiety have not been out of home since last year around October November.

Because of COVID 19, stressed beyond belief concerned so use what I can to cope.

Using this forum helps .

Use on line shopping websites..

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to MrRigatoni

Could you manage to go out with a friend, maybe? I know it isn't the ideal time, but a trip out with someone might make you feel stronger to maybe try a short walk yourself. COVID hasn't helped any of us older folk; I can't drive due to failing eyesight, but a trip to a farm shop, as Humblebee suggested, might be the encouragement you need.

I agree, the veg this year is not good, but when you consider the weather we've had, alternatively hot and cold, It's not been good for the condition of the veg on many Industrial farms which must be having all sorts of problems getting pickers, before the veg rot in the fields.

I'm trying to grow my own, but my spuds were wormy and slimy, I think I had mucked up the watering. Tomatoes next year, I'm planning several sorts, both the miniature ones in all colours and the big plum tomatoes (if I can get the seeds). Courgettes, beets, carrots, parsnips, radishes, Spinach and possibly chard, maybe celery. Onions and banana shallots. Possibly sweet potatoes and PakChoi. I used to grow mushrooms, but I haven't seen the kits around lately. Might try Corn and beans as well. Herbs are in already, Rosemary, Flat leaf parsley, thyme, chive, garlic Chive, thyme, sage. Bay.

I'm going to be a busy person!

Cheers, Midori

daveh121 profile image

I haven’t been a fan of palm oil due to environmental concerns.

It is in a lot of products though so I avoid those that have it as a personal goal.

It sure does seem hard to order online the food we want that is clean and local-ish.

I guess we are fortunate to have our own veggie garden for fresh produce and fruit for a good part of the year. T whirls be difficult otherwise.

Staying isolated to be safe is difficult for sure. We have been socializing a little bit with our friends but from a distance.

I notice that people sure do like to talk these days since most are not seeing very many people.

MrRigatoni profile image
MrRigatoni in reply to daveh121

Hello pleased to meet you.

I am aware of the environmental it seems the food manufactures can wait to keep adding the products they create with gunk rubbish fillers.

I bought bread stopped right because of the stomach issues experiencing bread should be natural.

Not this amount of rubbish long lists of everything sugar to salt. One product bought got copper in this an e number.

Looking and being aware the only answers.

I am not at all happy with most products and if you buying on line scrolling down looking at what is in any products.

Only way.

What a swizz another one organic produce why the high price.

Apples bought New Zealand Australia why not here what is going on??

I have met those of other countries the exceptional produce the markets they all have.

Why can not we do the same seems the Government we have not interested in being supportive our farmers.

Not good any of it.

I have bought last month will continue to do so frozen veggies fruit and meat, plus any fish deemed suitable.

Also buying dried products as well..

daveh121 profile image
daveh121 in reply to MrRigatoni

That seems like the way to go as far as purchasing food.

Organic here in the US is also expensive. I guess it might be more labor intensive somehow.

We grow a lot of our own veggies and store them up for winter. Many of our neighbors have meats to sell so we buy from them and bypass the nasty commercial stuff. When the ocean is calm we catch our own fish.

We are lucky since not everyone can do this.

It is infuriating.

TheAwfulToad profile image

Whole lot of stuff in your post, but I'll focus on the palm oil. As with most things, there's no simple answer. There's palm oil, and there's palm oil. There's also palm oil.

Nutrition: cold-pressed palm oil is an excellent food, roughly comparable to olive oil. It has a subtle and pleasant flavour that goes well with (not surprisingly) South-East Asian foods, where it's been a staple for centuries. Refined palm oil ... probably less desirable. It tastes of nothing. I use it mixed with canola oil and engine oil to lubricate my chainsaw bar.

Environmental: to discuss this sensibly, it's best to consider what the alternatives are - for most people it'd mean seed oils (rapeseed, sunflower, etc). It's true that virgin habitat is being rapidly destroyed for oil palm plantations and this is having a massive impact on wildlife. However, the driving force behind this has nothing to do with the profitability of palm oil, but the desirability of tropical hardwoods. The forests would be destroyed regardless. Palm oil is the saving grace that prevents those forests becoming deserts: a plantation might be species-poor, but it does at least have a rich ground cover and a perennial overstory (ie., the palms). In time, when humanity gets bored with destroying nature, or when nature destroys us (whichever happens first), the forest will reclaim these plantations.

Contrary to popular rumour, though, most palm oil is not grown in clearcut rainforests, for the simple reason that it's hard to get the (low-value) product to market with a sensible logistics cost. It's more usually grown on land that was cleared long ago for agriculture. Some of it is grown "sustainably", or in a polyculture/agroforestry arrangement.

There's also the simple fact that seed oils are produced on comprehensively-destroyed temperate forests, with pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. And the yield per hectare is somewhere between one-fifth and one-tenth of the yield from palm oil. In other words, temperate-climate oils are incredibly wasteful of land area, whereas tropical oils are really very efficient.

A lot of this boils down to marketing shenanigans. The seed-oil producers feared for their market share as oilpalm producers came online, and they started a concerted PR campaign to blacken the reputation of palm oil. It worked.

MrRigatoni profile image
MrRigatoni in reply to TheAwfulToad

Hello pleased to meet you.

Must add write a lot I know just concerned a lot every product has this in it..

Also the environmental issues as any one who is concened you have answered many of my questions.

Some reassurance.

I do buy Olive Oil and Rapeseed.

I do think one thing if removing forests damage to the environment is that really worth it.

Green house gas ommission warming of planets.

Sudden desire and need to add a product is this ever worth it to a cost to our planet.

in reply to TheAwfulToad

That's interesting, TAT, thank you.

A lot in your post. Palm Oil there is certified palm oil from sustainable sources, the organisation is the RSPO, google it to find out more. It is difficult to get the same results with other oils, they are also more hydrogenated in the main too. (We did many trials with oil manufacturers, cost is also a big consideration as the replacements are a lot more expensive and Some consumers may say willing to pay more but then others couldn’t )

Vegetables, I have grown runner beans, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, spring onions, lettuce, beetroot, chard and herbs all in tubs with great success, picked as required and taste amazing. To freeze for longer blanch in boiling water then plunge into cold. Small Tomatoes freeze well Without needing to blanch and then use in cooked dishes.

Take care and best wishes

Good topic needs in-depth look at t he top of the food chain ladder It’s very interesting your Topic Mr Rigatoni,what do we all think ?

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