I have put on a lot of weight🤦‍♀️ - Healthy Eating

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I have put on a lot of weight🤦‍♀️

CR50 profile image
15 Replies

I have eaten more than usually out of boredom.

Also, I have spent more money on food shopping because it was the only outing that I could do on lockdown.

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CR50 profile image
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15 Replies
thara9643 profile image

Hello what exercise do you enjoy doing?

CR50 profile image
CR50 in reply to thara9643

Walking my dog 😊

Activity2004 profile image

Hi CR50 ,

Do you go into the stores when you shop for your groceries? Has your doctor suggested going on a low carb. high fat or low carb high protein diet? :-)

CR50 profile image
CR50 in reply to Activity2004

Yes to the first question and no to the second question 😊

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to CR50

Please be careful when you go into the stores. Some places have people crowded up with each other.

MrRigatoni profile image

Hello pleased to meet you.

If having problems losing weight .

Some general advice and information.

Much of this is common sense being practical and sensible.

Simple steps.

1. Make a plan menu each week include stockchecks. What have you got and what you need.

Ideas create a folder of go to simple recipes look on line for Cuisines of World Foods.

2. Include in your plan for the week. 21 meals over 7 days three meals a day.

Use vegetables fruit in your menu meal plan make it .

Three times a week vegetarian main, can be a Soup or Salad be inventive.

Beans and Spaghetti count towards vegetarian options. Top on toast add Mushrooms .

3. Breakfast important meal of the day.

Porridge, Oats, Rice,Couscous , Beans Pulses used to give you energy fill up and slowly help maintain your health through the day.

Use Eggs with any of the above, just a note nor fried.

Scrambled Omelettes, Frittata, Tortilla all around the World .

Eggs with grains and beans, bread.

With spices and herbs use in your diet.

4. Portion control no plates use Pasta Bowls have many one for Chicken, Soup.

Other meals portion foods in balanced order means can not eat more.

All bowls should be 40% carbs Pasta Rice and be using whole grains.

40% vegetables can be useful a blender make sauce tomato based add in vegetables .

Onion Carrots Celery half way there to having veggies in your bowl.

20% Protein Fish or Meat.

5. Eat slowly take your time use fork spoon. With bowls.

Chew and stop rest and continue.

Have music on space out the courses you have.

20 minutes takes to mind body stomach to register.

Then use water every meal, never tea coffee or anything such as Cola or fizzy drinks.

Caffeine restricts absorbtion of essential nutrients form your food .

6. Exercise never late at night. Make it easy use house work or other duties in the home as your Gym sessions.

Understand always seek advice GP.

Before starting.

Use music mornings slowly dance move hips just moving helps me am disabled.

Think about using the garden or outside to walk briskly ten to thirty minutes a day.

Look on line affordable exercise equipment exercise bikes or rowing machine.

Only if you can afford it.

7. If suffering anxiety depression do something about it.

Ask me have mental health charities links.

Problems can cause weight gain as we in this situation right now.

Also any personal issues are you smoking drinking over eating junk foods and so on needs to be addressed.

Can advise there as well.

8. Hate cooking invest slow cookers blenders food processors.

Make life easy on supermarkets websites plenty of food items pre chopped diced.

Fresh frozen use cheap lean cuts meats.

Thighs Legs Drumsticks Chicken remove skin, Turkey Thigh.

Grill food use roasting trays with trivets removes any fat.

9. Fat is not the enemy need fats Olive oil Omega three and six to help our bodies .

There healthy fats.

Saturated transfats the bad ones found in fatty meats and biscuits cakes.

One other some basic food science you need to know.

Metabolic rates in our bodies different. This is the rate our bodies consume food and process.

Only when you understand this then realise one person same diet as you loses weight, you do not.

10. One final point as we age older metabolic rate slows down means food processing can take longer.

Can be converted in to fat if you eat a lot of food in a short space of time.

Average time process food is 12 hours so imagine then if still hungry the body has still processing last lot.

Reason why those putting on weight, always.

I would also look on line courses on wellbeing health helps you understand more.

Community projects schemes mental health charities if enrolled.

Offer advice diet nutrition.

I have one other have a lot of the experience, knowledge and qualifications gained doing this.

Volunteered and other support.

I want to say had issues with weight since coming off addiction.

Now use my knowledge, expertise to help others.

Please if you have any questions need recipes any time.

Please ask me.

Happy to help please take care

depotdoug profile image
depotdoug in reply to MrRigatoni

Wow an enormous wealth of healthy info.

Where did you learn all of this ?

MrRigatoni profile image
MrRigatoni in reply to depotdoug

Hello pleased to meet you, thank you for the reply.

I have had interest in food science nutrition and diets.

Lived at home with my Mother her atttudes to any thing healthy .

Enormous weight gain and seriously obese fat and awful sitution, addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Had Italian Spanish friends and some others Turkish Greek through business markets .

Learnt through them and often eating cooking with them as mentors.

Then used to volunteer kitchens charities orgnisations disabilty or mental health.

A lunch in many organisations charities every day. Delivered to those who need it in their own cafes or delivered to homes.

A good way to learn, plus lunches and evening meals at my friends.

Tavernas, Trattorias assisted if even on a date in to the kitchen we both went helping if short staffed.

Best way to learn .

Alcholism drug addiction got hold had massive weight loss from 18 stone to 7 stone.

Muscle weakness and other issues joined the rehab service and met through that.

Mental health services have inside advisors on fitness diet and nutrition.

Well being service local councils another source of learning education.

Gained food qualifications on Understanding Health part 2.

Also food science lifestyle courses. Nutrition diet ones many on line in communities Colleges.

Have and had problems getting degree at University being honest here.

Told by lecturer wasted time as only gent . Plus went to conferences few gents like me.

Encountered discrimations insulted belittled and harrassment bullying due to the industry.

Being an all female profession. Wish to be an advisor tough in a market few men.

Love learning have disabilty mental health done many aspects of kitchen, used to do big functions.

Brigades for charities. 150 covers ten of us like me.

Done much of that hard work and stressful.

Gained weight got to cook and write more about the Meditterean food and culture cuisine.

If you poor and no money on low income use Cucina Povera and also those simple easy recipes of the regions.

Of the Med. Cheap cost nothing.

Another point in my life is that many gents wish to cook but do not how to start.

Can do this and still do. Also as have done advise any ladies in my communities where I live.

Not easy as it a struggle to explain, to those ladies from a disabled gent see me different.

Once glimpsed my insights of what I am doing suddenly change.

Some ladies sorry to say patronising .

Some could burn water lol...

One other teaching those with learning disabilites and any conditions pleasure to help.

Have created recipes for several members of community websites like this one.

Does not involve cooking much applications of heat.

One member scared of cooker heat so made a menu she could adapt to.

Using microwave prepared food and products.

I used to cook for people those like my self former friends with little ones make them lunches.

Children need proper food nutrition plus helped those in a need on special days.

Holidays Valentines or Christmas once run off my feet with bookings from friends.

Live next door to a couple and most of the estate .

Needed help advice on that meal causing stress.

Never cleaned scrub down so many kitchens before even started.

Part of the business had so used the skill abilities to those.

In distress.

On another website was the Recipe King unfortunately got removed former friend member lied made up false stories had to resign.

Fear of embarressment totally innocent.

So please if you need anything want to know.

Ask me. Free nothing to ask.

Even Gordon calls me made beans on toast again, got them stuck the beans in the toaster lol...

Sorry to give you a long answer just passionate am the One and Only Italian Stallion in the Kitchen, oops lol...

Is that too much info lol...?

TheAwfulToad profile image

It's unlikely that you've put on weight purely out of "eating more" - the more likely explanation is that you've been buying a lot of snacks and not enough proper food.

Unfortunately about 80% of what's on sale in the supermarkets is garbage. It'll make you fat. Best advice I can offer is to stick to the vegetable aisle, the butcher's counter, and the dairy fridge (but avoid all the processed 'low-fat' junk, and the 'low-fat' spreads - buy only the minimally-processed items without long lists of ingredients). Anything that comes in a packet is bad news. That includes the fake squishy stuff masquerading as bread; bake your own if you have time on your hands, or just stop eating it entirely.

Hello CR50 firstly you are not alone many people have put on weight during the lockdown as we crave comfort food during a crisis.

It doesn’t help if you go shopping hungry and I’d look at what you’ve been eating and eat a proper meal so you are well nourished and maybe look at eating grapes instead of chocolate and cakes when you feel that you have to graze.

Fasting is a great way to lose weight and change your relationship with food as your body goes into fat burning mode when fasting.

Here’s a link to HU’s Fasting community:


I think the most important thing is to realise that you are not alone as your experience mirrors others.

So good luck and I’d take it one meal and one day at a time and you can achieve your goals and we’ll cheer you on.

Jerry. 🌈😊

genejeanie profile image
genejeanie in reply to

Fasting is the only thing that works for me.

Tried every eating plan to mo avail.

Like a of other benefits too.

Believe that breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day, it is as invented by the cereal makers like Kellogg’s.

in reply to genejeanie

This sounds spot on to me genejeanie as it’s all about getting in tune with our bodies own needs, so I’m glad to hear this. 🌈😊

Kaz747 profile image

Most people I know have gained a few COVID kilos, including me. I know what I should eat but the disruption to the usual routine, and some of the emotional stresses have seen me eating stuff I wouldn’t normally.

There was a great quote by a doctor on a podcast I was recently listening to - it’s not our indulgence that get us, it’s our habits.

Enjoy treats now and again but eat healthy every day - that’s the motto I need to get back to 😃

san_ray70 profile image

It i s the same for most of us, at least you are going out shopping, I have a friend who has not been out apart from walks. She had a knee op. and needs the other one done. She will not even come to see me to sit in our garden. She has her husband, but he thinks he might start work in September. I went on a coach trip with friends last week, it was social distancing, masks and safe as we could make it. I feel better for having a day out. We all need to try to get back to normal if we can, we are retired but used to go bowling and table tennis. We miss all of it but safety first, no clubs are open yet. I hope things get better for you soon.

Zest profile image

Hi CR50

I think that quite a few people have gained some weight during these stressful times with lockdown.

I'd like to welcome you to the Healthy eating community, and hope you'll enjoy participating here. There's also a 'Positive Wellbeing community' in HU which you might also find beneficial - I'm going to put a link incase you want to have a look:


Hope the weekend is going ok for you.

Zest :-)

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