Hi everyone,
I haven't shopped in a supermarket since Covid 19 hit us in March and I'm enjoying shopping in small local shops as they are friendlier and much less stressful. I've been buying milk in bottles so I haven't been buying milk in tetra packs or tubs of raspberries and other plastic wrapped supermarket fruit and veg.
On one level my shopping costs more but I walk to my local store for the milk and walk home a really pretty route so its healthy and relaxing I also buy as much veggies as possible loose and get them in paper bags so I'm developing a new way of shopping thats working for me as I can buy plant based double cream, milk in bottles gluten free popadoms in my local shop and it's not stressful. My local whole food store is invaluable to me being a coeliac so its all good as I realised that my recycling only needs to go our every 2 months and I put my wheel bin out once in 4 to 6 weeks.
So I'm very positive about my new shopping habits as they work for me and the planet so maybe they're actually cheaper than I thought...🌞