Members badges for those who are at high ri... - Healthy Eating

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Members badges for those who are at high risk from the Coronavirus and or are 70+

24 Replies

Good morning everyone,

To try and help keep members safe we'd like to offer badges to members so other users know they need looking out for and I thought either High risk, HR or 70+ would let us all know that this person needs looking out for during this unsettling time. Because we can use socail media to support you with a click of a button...and we intend to do all that we can.

We want all our members to know that we care about you and will do what we can to make you feel safe especially if you have to confine your self at home live alone or have special needs.

I think that the more we do to help and reassure each and other the better as this affects us all in one way or another.

So thoughts and comments welcome and if any one wants a badge please say.

Thank you,


24 Replies
SMITHYC profile image
SMITHYCHealth Champion

What a great idea Jerry.

Higger profile image
HiggerHigh risk 74

I would like a badge. Please, how do I get one? I am 74 with COPD (very severe) and I am sole carer for my disabled husband. Given good adaptations in our home, and a functioning response from emergency doctors and ambulance paramedics we have learned to manage well in normal circumstances. These circumstances aren't normal. Usual deliveries of food are overloaded by huge numbers of people signing up for home delivery. This is understandable but leaves very vulnerable people who rely on this service in a very difficult position. I can see myself forced to venture out. I think a badge would support my request for people to give me space. It's amazing how they crowd you - and I've not enough breath to argue.

in reply to Higger

Hello Higger I have assigned you a badge so other members now know that you are 74 and high risk. But I'm sorry if there's a misunderstanding as I didn't mean a physiacal.

We know to look out for you on here now.

I wish you and your husband well and you will get lots of support on here.

Jerry 😊

PandQs profile image
PandQs in reply to Higger

If you are in U.K. Sainsbury’s has just announced priority delivery slots for over 70s and vulnerable, also alternative of click and collect from car park.

Higger profile image
HiggerHigh risk 74 in reply to PandQs

Thanks for this. Got an email about it this morning but am wondering how they will know who is over 70 or vulnerable. I've looked in "my account" on their website and there's no date of birth asked for or given, nor is there a place to give details of health status. There are no free "slots" for delivery or collection from the store for the next three weeks. Tomorrow there is an hour set aside for elderly and vulnerable - 7 to 8am. but I really do need to be here for my husband at that time. I really do believe they are doing their very best but must admit I feel very insecure at the moment. I expect things will settle down eventually - will keep checking to see if anything has changed - but do feel that those of us who really need this support have not been properly considered. How is it that they have taken on so many new home delivery accounts that they are unable to fulfill their contract with those who have relied on, and paid for, this service for years? - I have an annual pass. I don't think I'll get a refund!

Foxyhole profile image
FoxyholeHigh Risk

Hi I think a badge is a great idea I would like one please

in reply to Foxyhole

Hi Foxyhole I've assigned you a High Risk badge , if you want me to add to it then please just say and well done for asking for a badge, 😊

Foxyhole profile image
FoxyholeHigh Risk in reply to

Yes please I would like one

Foxyhole profile image
FoxyholeHigh Risk in reply to

How do I receive my badge?

in reply to Foxyhole

If you look at your post your have High Risk by your user name so members know that you need looking out for it is on HE only.

Cooper27 profile image

Good idea!

What a very good idea Hidden and it'll make the vulnerable feel a little easier knowing that there is support for them out there. Just talking to someone helps a lot.

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskersAdministratorVegan star

Fabulous Idea Jerry

in reply to Kitten-whiskers

Thank you Hidden I have assigned you a high risk badge as you are over 70 I hope that's OK.

Hi Jerry, A fantastic idea Jerry.

I would really like to have a badge please, i am 68 yrs old, i have COPD ..CHF and Thyroid cancer. I feel it will help greatly, specially for shopping now many stores are doing an "Elderly hour" for vulnerable people and over 70 people.

Thank you and kind regards.

in reply to

Hello Hidden I have assugned you a high risk badge I hope that is OK.

Jerry, 😊

Thank you so much Jerry.

wobblypat profile image
wobblypatHigh Risk

Brilliant idea Jerry. I am 74 and on immunosuppressive drugs. I cannot go out very far as I am disabled, but would very much appreciate a badge to show others I am vulnerable, then I could leave the house.


in reply to wobblypat

Hey good luck wobblypat I've assigned you a badge. 😊

wobblypat profile image
wobblypatHigh Risk

Thanks Jerry

Cockneyblue profile image
CockneyblueHigh Risk

What a lovely idea. Thank you Jerry x

in reply to Cockneyblue

Thank you and you have one. 😊

Doggie123-UK profile image
Doggie123-UKHigh Risk

It is a brilliant idea, I am 69 with copd/emphysema and would like a badge please

in reply to Doggie123-UK

Thanks Doggie123-UK and you now have a badge. 😊

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