I am new here, I have completed week one, if yo-yo dieting was an Olympic sport I would have won a gold medal every 4 years since Montreal in 1976. I have tried it all, with some success, but not sustained success. I have medical conditions that would benefit from sustained weight loss but how do I get there?
Giving it a go!: I am new here, I have... - Healthy Eating
Giving it a go!

Welcome to the group!
Please check out the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation's website and the free leaflet on a Healthy Diet and Diabetes and/or Exercise and Diabetes. Both leaflets can be downloaded, read or listened to. Go to: drwf.org.uk/diabetes-leaflets
You can also join the DRWF group on HU for more assistance. The group is willing to help with anything you need.
Hope this helps.
It starts in your head, making the decision that every little step in the right direction is worth taking 😊 Success is just a series of small steps 😊 Good luck! And kept us posted 😊
Thank you for the information, I shall spend some time reading it. It is amazing to me how much sensible advice there is out there. It is knowing where to look, thanks again.