On Monday at 12.30 i will be joining a team from UKABIF (UK Acquired brain Injury Forum) to talk about my TBI. The event is part of the British Neuroscience Association Festival of Neuroscience which is taking place at the moment at the Barbican London. be great if some of you folks got along.
Festival of Neuroscience: On Monday at 12.30 i will... - Headway
Festival of Neuroscience
Would love some info from these things, they never seem to come anywhere near me! quite a distance to either glasgow/edinburgh/inverness which are the only places these things go to on the rare occasion they get to Scotland. There is also one on Autism happening next week, but cant remember where!! My eldest son has dyspraxia and ASD. Ive never managed to get to any disability fairs or headway things either. I would need someone to go with and someplace to sleep and someone to organise the travel etc. Its like im a child in this respect one thing that annoys me about my brain injury.
I will try to write something on the fest for my blog whatsgoingoninhishead.wordp...
It is hard to keep in touch and easy to miss stuff i know. I was fortunate to be asked to speak and get the chance to see something of the festival
Would love to but can't make today - do you know some of the itinary for tomorrow - cant seem to find it on the link?
Good luck today, Linda x
I wish I had known about it too! It would be great to have an overview of what's going on in this world and hopefully to see 'the cutting edge'. I believe quite passionately that there are many more answers to the questions that having a brain injury raises, and that healing should be accessible for all, indeed, the question of what can block recovery is not truly addressed. Clearly I need to be better networked in.... Hope you have a great time and will be checking in with this to read your feedback. Thanks.
Well the festival was interesting. The public areas had displays from a large number of organisations involved in both ABI and other neuro disorders. There were some hands-on activities too, knit a neuron, try some cognitive tests of the kind i'm sure we have all done lots of. I got to try a drill on a plaster skull to find out how that nice hole in my head was made. The UKABIF session was focussed on drawing attention to their manifesto on rehab. Watch their video by pasting this link into your browser.
Rehab differs across the country and tends to be disjointed and often time bound rather than recovery led.
What was interesting about the festival is that at the same time as public events a major neuroscience conference was also taking place. We need stronger links between researchers and clinicians. I wonder how many people have been told that after 2 years your recovery is about as good as it gets? Research shows that this just isn't true.Neural plasticity continues for your whole life and whilst the rate slows recovery can continue for the rest of your life as our wonderful brains re-learn and make new connections.