Well ive been working voluntarily again today. Running a snack bar for WRVS 1 til 4.
Might not seem much but having to do stock checks, cleaning and cooking can take its toll.
Im back there tomorrow on same shift
Well ive been working voluntarily again today. Running a snack bar for WRVS 1 til 4.
Might not seem much but having to do stock checks, cleaning and cooking can take its toll.
Im back there tomorrow on same shift
scrub up well then dont you! do you wear these toggs for dishing out the tea coffee and cakes then?
I volunteered at a local primary school 7 hrs a week and at cubs 3 hours a week. Then i got paid to do the work in school but i still volunteer at cubs.
That pic was a few yrs ago on a cruise with a mate who is also a head injury.
Ive had my nose straightened since then
I volunteer (NZ) at the local hospital. The mobile library service around the wards and next Tuesday helping the patients with their Census forms.
Volunteering is a way to gain confidence, maybe lead to some pay and is good to keep you in a routine. Plus, if rest is needed due to fatigue e.g. then often volunteering can be more flexible.
I volunteered at my local Citizens Advice Bureau one day a week for a year. It was great to be mixing with new people and helping those in need solve their problems, although I had some problem learning the various systems and benefits is a very complex maze indeed!. I had to give it up when I started full time work last November but feel that doing voluntary work helped me to get the job I do now. So keep up the good work! When you feel up to paid work again, I have every confidence that you will enjoy it.
Well done. Its all helping to get back into society.
Im even ice skating to get my balance and coordination to 100%.
You dont want to know about the bruises
My balance is still a bit ropey at times but I have managed to avoid falling! If you don't mind I'll leave the ice skating to you
Had accident 1993 in esso refinery,was living with my girlfriend of 5years ,it was then my problems started.I started getting headaches all the time.Off to charing cross in London,filled me up with endless medication,which made me change,i was unbearable to live with,i went from a happy go lucky person to a grumpy moody unhappy person,and ended my relationship.They decided to operate on me.Firstly they fitted a shunt in my head to releave the pressure on brain,which also gave me menegitis,so i was very ill for about 7 days,and i was only suppose to be in hospital for three days.No joy there.They then burnt nerves over one eye,which got rid of the headaches i was having,but left me with a very bad short term memory problem.Sometime later i came across Headway,and i have been coming here for about 2 years,which has taught me how to manage my problem.I have now manage to get a job at a local school as a cleaner,which has help me get my life on an even keel.
Glad to hear things are getting better for you and the only way is up!
I had a complete personality change after my brain tumour was removed, I was shouting and swearing at everyone in the hospital and my family when they visited me. That only lasted a couple of weeks though. I was very short tempered for the first 7-9 months after the op but things have now gotten back to normal for me. I am working with adults who have learning difficulties, which takes a great deal of patience and I'm glad to say that after 4 months I haven't lost my temper once.
Well done to everyone who is and who is in the process of getting better.