I had brain tumour removed in 2006 and have got some memory loss. It has been okay not remembering the odd book or the film since then but the memory loss has started getting worse in the past 6 months. I have mentioned it to the GP and he is worried but is referring me to the Memory Clinic. Is this normal I just thought that things were going to stay the same as they were after the surgery and the memory loss wouldnt get any worse.
How long am I supposed to get memory loss for? - Headway
How long am I supposed to get memory loss for?

Hi benandsam,
Thank you for your question. When the brain is damaged any memory loss that occurs can be permanent, however with any new/worsening symptoms it is always best to get things assessed by a specialist. The memory clinic should be a good referral, and will hopefully help you get to the bottom of this. A neurologist would be another option I would think.
In some cases things can seem to be getting worse when there are changes to lifestyle, for instance getting a new job, a change to the daily routine, moving house etc. This can make the coping strategies that had become second nature less effective. If this is the case, the memory clinic and/or a neuropsychologist could help to develop new strategies, and hopefully get back on track.
In any case I think you're doing the right thing getting it checked out.
Best wishes,
Thank you for answering my question so quickly. Do you think that I should get intouch with my neurosurgeon. He is the consultant that I am still under for another 3years. I actually had a post fossa meningioma. What is involved with the memory clinic? What do they do?
I was lucky enough to get onto memory clinic programme and it was really helpful
I don't know if it would be the same as the one you might attend but it began with an intensive assessment (I was totally wiped by those sessions and needed help to get home after)
In my case we identified what the main problems were and looked at how to address the more important aspects. Although with the brain we can never say never... it is unlikely I will regain function in these areas and I was given gadgets and gizmos and strategies to help me to manage day to day living . These were put in place and assessed over a period of six weeks or so to make sure they were working okay. We made a few adjustments to things that were not working but on the whole it has made a huge impact. I went from attending 10% of appointments to attending 80% in a matter of weeks.
Six years on and these gadgets are still a vital part of my life. When things work well they work really well...when a system fails (often due to technical issues or user error) it is a spectacular crash...but we just chalk it up to experience and start over.
Unfortunately memory issues rarely exist in isolation and other cognitive issues can compound the problems and need to be addressed also. In my experience everyone came away from memory clinic with a tailor made solution to meet individual needs. If you have the chance to go, I say go for it! I wish you luck.
Thank you so much for the encouragement. I must admit as I hadnt been told anything about it I was very wary. I will let you know how it goes.

I think it would definitely be worth getting in touch with your neurosurgeon, it's good news you still have that contact as it could save a fair amount of time on waiting lists. The surgeon is much more aware of your condition and will be able to give you more advice, such as whether you need an appointment with him/her or if the memory clinic is sufficient.
Memory clinics may vary a little, but usually focus on assessment and treatment/rehabilitation for memory problems. We don't hear of too many of our members being referred to them, usually because brain injury can cause so many different symptoms a neuropsychologist or specialist brain injury team is more appropriate, but in some circumstances they can be very good. They cover a huge range of conditions so may not be as specialist, but can be a good start as they can at least try to identify the possible causes and ask your GP to give you an appropriate referral.
I hope this helps, do let us know how the contact with the neurosurgeon goes and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions.
Best wishes,
I bet youve had enough of me. I just thought I should let you know that I spoke to my consultants secretary who said that as I am due an MRI in a few weeks that if I email her and tell her that it has definitaley been done then she will get the MRI and show them to another consultant as the one I am with is emigrating and see what he thinks. Am I going in the right direction? Thanks for all your help

It's OK, totally fine to keep messaging!
It sounds like a real difficulty for you, how frustrating. Did the secretary speak to your consultant directly about your concerns? It's probably best to get things checked out as soon as you can, so definitely do what the secretary said there. I wonder if they'd be able to bring the MRI scan forward by a few weeks in the light of your concerns? It might be worth speaking to her again and asking.
However, it might still be worth going to the memory clinic that your GP referred you to in the meantime. I might also suggest having a chat with your GP again about what the secretary says, to see if they can push for anything?
It seems like a case of trying all the avenues to see a specialist as soon as you can.
Hope that helps a bit?
Memory loss is a real pain. My short term memory is shot and I have to try really hard to remember phone numbers and new peoples names. I right everything down and carry a small diary so I don't miss appointments etc... I hadn't really thought it could get worse but it seems that it can.
Good luck with the memory clinic and please let us know how it goes.
i used to write things down and only ended up with lots of rubbish that didnot mean any thing
try a marker like going to toilet then when go again try remember what happened in between if some thing important happens it becomes traped between markers an cannot be forgot as easy hope this helps /a marker is /can be any thing from going to shop to watching news good luck
I was never told that the memory loss would carry on I assumed that I would get the initial loss I had been informed about and that was it but after nearly 7 years It is getting worse and my family are noticing. I have had a chat with my consultants secretary and she basically said not to worry get my MRI done and let her know when it is done and then she will get a consultant to check it and make sure everything is ok. She did mention that I am also allowed to see a neurophysiologist or something along those lines and that it would be sorted. I am scared as I work for a hospital switchboard.What am I supposed to do? I think I should let HR know and then see if I can be moved where my memory wont matter any more. A couple of my friends have agreed with me but they have know idea how I am feeling and that I am feeling exceptionally scared that there is something wrong. Thanks for listening to me waffle on and I will let you know how I get on I promise.
MEMORY what is it
as i get it your memory is a big bag of most things that you do feel taste and smell oh and feel no sorry see there you go an exsample of imideate loss
Short term and long-term memory need each other as they interact with every thing else
eg/ if you cut your finger you remember not do it again
eg/ if you taste food you dont like you dont like it all your life
i find with my loss of memory that i dont think any more this is because i am learning now
all over again
for six years i have been ploding on with no help at all
went to docs an was told my case was of a physical nature/cuts on front of brain/
no tablets no cure
i do not know your sercumstance but would start with a list of what you do remember
then photographs see what comes
try food that you know you do not like
then try food you do
go to places that you do not like see how you body feels try to remember who you are
and why you dont like these things
you can use all your sences to achive a better memory as all your sences are used to create it
good luck
all things take time
try close eyes relax an see if remember child hood /gran an grandad /good times and bad
bad things that happen are remembered better as your body does not want to exp it again
as pepole say above seek medical help