i have had third nerve palsy since my injury 3+ years ago had different glasses with pyramid lenses and nothing seems to work has anyone had any luck ? or should i just get my head together and realise double vision is the best it can be?????
can double vision be mended ???: i have had third... - Headway
can double vision be mended ???

i would try strengthening the eye mussle by covering your good eye up .. but obvious do it when its safe to do so .. no quick fixes but it cant do no harm .. gives your brain a chance to learn to use the musscles in the other eye instead of one which your brain dominates with (the good one )
ive had double vision in one eye after my crash my eye was totally turned in , i had it for about 3 years , i used prisms glasses and i used the patch method i said to sparkle , everything helps .. with a brain injury they are very reluctant to do such operations because it can slowly come back ... now i only have a lazy eye when i drink .. or get tired .. dont be opting for an eye op yet .. give it more time and try to train the other eye or alternate each eye
I had injections into the eye muscles. I went to opthalmologist and optometrist at the hospital to measure the deviation and it was about 26 to 28. With the injections it went to about 16 -18 which was helped by the prisms in the specs that i wear. It doesnt help everything as some of the problem is with the way the brain works not the way the eye works. Ask for a referal to the hospital eye dept from your gp.
she should be still under the eye specialist if that the case ... anyway you have 3 good point mix and match or like dan said see your GP !
thankyou for your comments i have been seen by a neuro eye specalist and she has tried pyramids and the op is no good for me so i guess double vision is the new me! he ho!!!

Hi sparkle83,
Thank you for your question.
If you haven't already seen it, there is a brief guide to double vision and treatments at nhs.uk/Conditions/Double-vi...
As other members have said, you should speak to your GP about this. They may be able to refer you to a neuro-opthalmologist to fully assess and explore treatments that may be appropriate for you.
Best wishes,
I've had double vision since my car accident in feb last year. I wear a prism on my glasses to correct which helps with most things. I have adapted well because I wore glasses before but I really miss being able to wear contact lenses! My doctors (optometrist) talked about an operation at first but seems not so keen now? I hadn't heard of excercises or injections, do they work? I have just started back at work as a microbiologists and because of the double vision I'm not able to use a microscope do I'm really keen to try anything that might help!
I have similar issues, my right eye has very limited up and down movement and my pupil does not dialate, due to a nasty motorcycle accident at about the same time (Sept 2009). I managed to get a refferal to Moorfields in London, and they told me that the 3rd and 5th nerve to that eye was damaged. The did perform surgery on the eye that allows me to get the single vision point at a more reasonable head angle, but despite having just about every test done thats all that they can do for me. You learn to live with it, and the brain does adjust.
I have the additional problem that my visual cortex was also damaged in the accident, and as a result I have no peripheral vision to the right in either eye, quite hard to explain, but as a result I am unable to drive, reading is slow and hard work, and I struggle in large crowds, such as a busy supermarket. Anyone else have this problem?
yes this is me i didnt know how to explain it though but i have a couple other nerves damaged i have really struggled with reading and watching tv and crowds i just feel lost ,my pupil did improve slightly in the first year but nothing since ive had no op but have tried different pyramid lenses but they just seem to make vision harder so is there is no chance in me driving then that is what i thought anyway, so nice to see my vision problems in writing makes so much sense when you write it . thankyou
know it not dont u dare think this way it your opticans is the problem i used special glasses which helps me to see
Just come across this post, wish I'd seen it 12 months ago, I have real trouble in supermarkets theres just so much confusion on the shelves, and if I go with someone and they walk off I have trouble finding them again, so I like to shop in the same one, on my own then I'm not so stressed.
I'm not impatient with people that are slow any more, you never know what their problems are do you?
I too have peripheral vision problems on the right, explains now why I could never find my buzzer in the hospital, it was always placed on my right hand side and I was always spoken to very sternly when I had to shout nurses cos I couldn't find it !!!!!
You'd think they would understand I may have had a vision problem, they did when I went to the rehab unit and used to clip it to me, so I could find it.
Anyway, apparently my eyes are working ok the problem seems to be in my brain, so I've no doubt I'll get used to it, or my brain will compensate.
Janet xxxx