vaccine damage: anybody out there got brain damage... - Headway


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vaccine damage

spartan300 profile image
20 Replies

anybody out there got brain damage from a vaccine, i got brain damage serious damage to my nervous system stroke +symtoms of ms or do you know of anybody with vaccine damage,this was 6 years ago

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spartan300 profile image
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20 Replies
headwayuk profile image

Hi spartan300,

Thank you for your post and very sorry to hear of your situation as a result of vaccine damage. I hope someone will be able to share their experiences with you, particularly as this community grows and more new members join.

It might be worth contacting our helpline on 0808 800 2244 or They will be able to discuss your symptoms in depth and guide you towards sources of support. They can also send free copies of our booklets and give you details of your local Headway group or branch.

Best wishes,


spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to headwayuk

have been contacted by chris short headway rotherham did not talk too much about my problems as he now only does two days a week as he has now got another job,he was really nice and helpfull its a pity he has left headway, i wish i had known about headway after i was told what was wrong with me it took 10 months to find out,my neurologist and gp +pain clinic never mentioned headway if you want to know the full story about my treatment or lack of from the day of my injection to present day give me a call, john

SpirallingUp profile image

Hi Spartan, I agree not enough medical people give information out about headway, It is a lifeline to so many, yet limited because the healthcare people arent directing people to the information.

spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to SpirallingUp

thanks for the reply,what people dont realise is what brain damage can do to someone esp the victim ,for the past 6 years i have been fighting for survival with almost no help the decisions and actions i made in lots of ways alianated me from my children i will not talk about the wife, i tried to fight it and do too much, my friends understood but they could not help me they did not know how, the nhs did not know or did not want to know, and i did not know ,i knew something was very wrong you know yourself when you are ill,so now i have headway to help me at least i am not alone going to have a rest now , john.

SpirallingUp profile image

Hi John glad you replied x

Its a long lonely road, my husband is the survivor, and I feel on the outside, i try to make his life as comftable as I can, but I will never really understand the frustration or the reason he does things or reacts top things the way he does. My husband says he can sit in a room full of people and feel so alone :(

Really wish we had known about headway along time ago x

Stay as strong as you can hun, rest when you need to. x We are always here to chat.

spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to SpirallingUp

good morning hope you are well, i dont know what it is like to be on the outside but if its the same as the inside its not good, to understand your husband ask yourself what was his lifestyle what did he do and love where did he like to go and what does he do now,before the vaccination i was self employed i had a good business i went to a lot of different places had lots of fantastic customers and was not short of money i had no debt i was very fit and thats what saved me from dying after the injection ,i had more hobbies and interests than i had time for ,i came from the school of hard knocks so nothing really botherd me i was never lonely i met different people every week i had everything to live for and more, and all that i loved and worked for changed after the night of the 20th october 2006, i can also be in a room of people and feel alone i was never like that before i was a people person i got a boost from the people i met from all walks of life, to survive you have got to be strong mentally belive in yourself and never forget there is allways somebody worse of than you ,i know i have seen it first hand in thailand and my friends have seen the same all over the world , but you may not see this because you might have got in a hole and cannot get out if somebody gives you a ladder use it, your husband is lucky he has you to hold the ladder, i had climb out no help, and if you need a ladder i will hold it for you there is allways light at the end of the tunnel, lots of love to you both and everybody

SpirallingUp profile image

Thanks x x I am hanging on to his ladder so tight I dont have a chance to climb my own, but I will one day! I keep looking for the light knowing one day I will see it and we can be happy once again x

My husband was a big people person, loved to socialise, had many many friends and way too many hobbys that he couldnt possibly fit everything in. He was a hard worker and thrived on difficult situations. He had always been able to turn his hand to any DIY projects.

Now he doesnt go out by himself, very rarely goes anywhere but doctors, hospital and solicitors office.

He hates being around people other than close friends and family. We have to go on a train to a specialist in london tomorrow and he is stressing about being so close to people in a confined space. I dont know how to help him.

So sorry for Hijacking your post. Do you mind if I ask what Vaccine caused your injury?? x

spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to SpirallingUp

no need to say sorry, thevaccine was pneumovax 11, but you can have a serious reaction to any vaccine

SpirallingUp profile image

There are so many things that can cause brain injury and I wasnt really aware of any before the accident. It was so shocking in Nuero critical care unit to talk with other familys about what happened with their loved ones and why they were there. It was like a big community we all helped each other. I really think Head / Brain jnjurys and there causes should be more widely acknowledged!

spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to SpirallingUp

you were lucky i should have been a 999 case my doctor tried to fob me of a consultant tried the same even told me to shut up when i was trying to tell him what had happend and how seriously ill i was he was a friend of my doctor i found out later, then after 10months the neurologist said i was 10 months too late, and yes brain injurys is the hidden disability ,if you dont look ill then you must be ok, best take up acting lessons then they will belive you thats what somebody told me, for eg.look at begger the one looking clean will get less money than the dirty one and the dirty one wth a dog will get more money than the other two put together, i know we we should not have to do this but its worth thinking about, somebody i know went for an atos assesment, it said on his report, was smartly dressed clean and tidy the person was awarded 0 points fit for work despite having 3 major heart attacks + many other serious health problems and told by consultants dont even think about work, a doctor friend of mine said since i finished work, you look really healthy and fit but i know you are not ,i said that is part of my problem, worth thinking about folks

SpirallingUp profile image

Oh how right you are hun! Atos medicals make a mockery of our welfare system! My husband failed and they told him in the report he was smartly dressed and clean shave. n so cant have depression!?! HE wouldnt be dressed and shaven if I didnt do it

spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to SpirallingUp

hows things ,sorry i have not been in touch i have been unwell since monday, went to my first headway meeting on tuesday evening i should not have gone i was too ill,but one part of me said go and another said stay at home, i was in a room full of people but felt as if i was on my own my head was all over the place, it was a difficult drive there and even worse coming back i am glad there was very little traffic on the road, i feel a bit better now, hope you have had a better week, suns out so i am going to get a boost of vit D, see you soon ,lots of love to you all, john,

NightBird profile image

I have something very similar from an MMR booster injection. Nobody in the medical profession believed me for years. Now I'm talking to neuro-opthalmologists about the double vision and they're more open to the idea. I wonder how many more of us are out there.


spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to NightBird

sorry about the delay in replying ,are you in or a member of the vaccine victims support group if not email, she got a MBE for the hard work she has done for us her daughter is also a victim in a very bad way,

just tell her what happened, as for how many of us probably more than we think

I still have problems with the medical establishment nearly ten years now

will talk to you again soon I am in south Yorkshire

lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


NightBird profile image
NightBird in reply to spartan300

That's very interesting - thank you. No worries about the late reply. My memory is so awful that I'd forgotten this thread anyway :)

I'm wary about joining a victim support group in case it's full of anti-vaccine ideology. But I suppose the best thing is to contact her. I looked her up and she sounds fairly reasonable.


spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to NightBird

vaccines are for the better good we are not against vaccination we recognise the important part they play , but there are risks and if any one is damaged by a vaccination they should be compensated no matter how old you are and this should cover all vaccinations, this happens in America, BUT NOT HERE for some reason the government is resisting including everybody in the compensation scheme, join our group and add your voice,

lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


NightBird profile image
NightBird in reply to spartan300

I emailed her on Tuesday, but no reply. I guess she's busy.


spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to NightBird

have spoken to Ann you can email her, she is in our group

NightBird profile image
NightBird in reply to spartan300

Thanks a lot! I'll email her now.

spartan300 profile image
spartan300 in reply to NightBird

a good documentary to watch on Russia today or ruptly tv , Is for the greater good about vaccinations it is very good it may be on utube?

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