Hello there everybody out there, I was hoping to ask you a question.
Our family had our eldest dog Hudson put to sleep a few days ago. He was an old gentleman and we, I believe, picked the right time to let him go. All of us have been dealing with it - the loss - our house feels a lot quieter now he is gone.
But a couple of days ago my husband made a comment that has stayed in my mind and bothers me. He says that he's "surprised" at my outward reaction, in that it doesn't seem to have "effected me that much". We've just talked about it and it has certainly effected him strongly - he lost his mum recently and he freely admits that that might have influenced him here.
So the issue I have is wondering whether my TBI has influenced me here. I was never much of a crier before my head injury, but I've only cried once in the 16 years since it happened. That doesn't bother me that much, but it's certainly strange.
But I *do* feel very sad about Hudson not being with us. I'm taking time to accomodate the change. I can't of course, tell whether if I hadn't had my TBI whether I would be any different now.
I'd really love to hear other people's experience here. whether they'd see themselves as emotionally blunted since their injury X