Hi there, I havent been on here because I thought maybe Im better person, maybe my injury was not so bad. I have come to realise I am an absolute arse, the things I have said here, the things I continue to say which I pass of as being okay and continue to say is beyond me. I was a really gentle giant from youth but i am as I am, fucked.
Long gone: Hi there, I havent been on here because I... - Headway
Long gone
Welcome to hower world all in the same boat and struggling with life some days I think it's not worth it stopping on this planet but I keep going how long god knows so your not on your own just keep putting one foot in front of each other
I grow a lot of different plants and trees, any seed pod I see its mine, to try. Kmbucha and sour dough is growing, trying to keep busy every day but it will never be the same, I cant even make friends online
Is there a local community garden that you could get involved in? If you enjoy growing things and nurturing the sour starter and the fermentation then you obviously have a lot of patience and skills.
A small amount of daytime interaction might make you have a few more feelings of being worthwhile.
I was depressed when I was first in the stages of acceptance and found socialising so draining that I was avoiding it. But we are social creatures and social interactions do energise and cheer us in the right doses.
Finding people with similar interests and mingling over an activity takes a lot of the pressure away.
Thank you, yes we are social animals. Once before I had a brain injury I worked at a wild life rehabilitation centre. There were a family of meerkats at this place, where one litl]tle fellow or girl I never knew the difference got excummunicated from the family of meerkats for whatever evolutionary or natural way. This little meerkat was a reck in the large well atered and feeded cage, it kept to the corners and did nothing. So I obviuosily went inside and tried to make them feel better but it was to no good. Anyway what they did is put vaseline spread on all the meerkats families noses, so they couldentnt smell the difference. They introduced that meerkat to their family no problem after that. My point may be that you cant put the scent of a brain injury on a humans nose, not ever. ANyway I will try find people wh are insterested in plants, I have had a coral tree for about 15 years that was supposed to be a bonsai but it was planted in its own right very close to the southern point of africa, not ideal but I know it will survive!