Hello all. I’m new here although I should have come here many years ago. In 2014 I had a grade 3 sub arachnoid haemorrhage. I had vasospasm after this event which robbed me of my vision. It became double.
It righted itself a few months later though and I was just left with a really irritating stutter. Clocks forward to three months later and my double vision returns with a vengeance! My aneurysm had grown despite the coil treatment I had and I was wheeled in for a craniotomy. This was absolutely horrible. The after effects was completely life changing and I was basically thrown out a few days later and told to get on with it.
I had to learn to dress myself even . I still put clothes on inside out sometimes! My main problems are about working and my impulsivity. Google has been my friend as I’ve had no professional help despite asking constantly. It appears there is no neuro help in my area! I’m in the East Midlands of the UK.
Anyway, to cut a long story short I manage fine at work. I occasionally feel like I’m about to burst into a lot of swear words so I exit to the loo for a breather and then I’m ok again. In my private life I get really fatigued and I can be really impulsive and explosive. How the heck can I get a neuro psychology referral? I really need help! I’m a single mum to a great 16 year old young girl which has been my rock but I feel sometimes she takes on this ‘mother ‘ role to tell me off about stuff I say sometimes. I can understand where she is coming from but surely there has to be somewhere I can get help? I am due to be disciplined at work for messaging a colleague ‘inappropriately ‘ which is ridiculous as she did it too. They say that because I am fine at work I should be fine at all other times.