this is my first post but I have been reading others as sometimes they help confirm how I feel.
In August 2023 I was hit by a drunk driver and still suffer with mild TBI issues with cognition, memory, fatigue, vistibular issues and pressure around my ears.
Everything is worse when tired or any little stress.
CT scan the time was clear and I had an mri in June which has only just come back showing a 16mm pineal cyst.
has anyone else had a cyst and TBI, were they linked or just a coincidence. Gazed eyes is an issue in both.
nhs have said in need an enhanced scan with contrast to check the cyst further but waiting list is 5 months plus 2-4 for the results.
im worried the cyst may not be linked and has maybe grown quickly so could be a risk, or if it’s not the reason for my issues then is it likely to increase due to the crash and TBI issues.
I was going to get better so I was late sorting issues with my solicitor which has only just started but hopefully they can arrange private treatments such as a dti scan.
just wondering if anyone else has dealt with both issues and what was done.
12 months is already such a long time and everyday is just difficult.
I am seeing the head injuries unit for vistibular physio