Just been on the phone to the RNIB because they have a page for vision issues after stroke.
I asked about vision issues after TBI and explained my current and past experiences and said that many people with TBI have visual issues but other than having sight tests there seems to be no other options generally.
They said there may be some technology options and other testing options that are available.
someone from their technology team and 'testing' team will be getting in touch with me so I will share the information after the meetings.
Also if your sight or vision is affected you may be able to register as partially sighted and get an ID card from your local council. This will enable you to get appointments in suitable conditions ie if you get fatigued in waiting rooms with LED lights they will have to make adjustments for you not to wait in rooms with LED lights so you don't get fatigued and stressed. NHS and DWP are guilty of not making suitable adjustments in my experience. Some others have said that sitting in waiting rooms makes them feel worse and they get cognitive fatigue, this may be caused by the lighting etc.
Will see what happens and will pass the info on.