Hi folks not been on for a while. Just passed the 4 year mark for PCS. Have followed the functional brain injury paradigm for recovery. Have basically recovered all brain and sensory functions. My current mantra is 'I'm firing on all cylinders, just fine tuning the engine.'
One issue that remained and seems to be universal for all brain injury is problems is LED and screen lighting. Some people on other brain injury sites reported benefits from 144hz 'gaming monitors.' I've got one and have been trying it out and it does make a difference. It's not 'a wow that's amazing' effect but is more subtle. What I notice is that compared to the normal 60hz screens I'm very relaxed when watching it. It seems to have taken out a stress factor so rather than getting a build up of angst and stress or anxiety as screen time goes on I stay calm.
So it seems by speeding up the monitor 'refresh rate' from the normal 60hz to 144hz the flicker effect is removed. Obviously we are all different and I've had multiple vision issues that have been solved with optometry and tinted lenses before hand. Just thought I'd share this as it may help someone else.