so pip was declined and I did he mandatory reconsideration and hear back in Monday that they hadn’t changed the option ( to be honest I don’t even think they read the updated giving more detailed answers ) .. just wanted to let you all know the tribunal appeal has gone in today and I have asked to give evidence face to face at the hearing so will keep you all posted … could take a very long time but I will definitely let you all know Sue x
PIP update so far : so pip was declined and I did he... - Headway
PIP update so far

Hope you get it in the endDez
I’ve had it for three years and have no idea why they are saying no Infact my pain in legs is worse and waiting for neurologist the look into my leg weakness 🥴 they certainly have very little information or knowledge o. Head injuries but will definitely let you all know how it goes Sue 🤔
Hi Sue, think the government are trying to cut everything at the moment.
The tribunal should be fair hopefully.
Don't forget to use the statement given to parliament by Gillian Keegan that says all public institutions are failing people with acquired brain injury and the evidence found by Chris Bryant:
Another point to note is that PIP assessments ask you about your physical and mental health, they do not officially consider neurological conditions and how they affect your day to day life.
Another thing to do is to go to your MP's office, let them know what is happening and ask for their support. It's an election year and they want to look as if they are doing something positive in their constituency.
Make sure all your medical records are up to date and ask for your GP and brain injury service/ unit to provide letters of support.
If you are waiting for assessments get confirmation letters.
You can't be penalized for waiting.
I'm sure others will chip in with some advice for you too.
Suit up, boot up, get your papers in order and go into battle mode.
thank you for all your support in what to send and I will enclose theses with what I send to the appeal ..Sue 👍
if you have a headway representing you. To come with you or a person who is professional to come in with you as you have to declare that I had a headway professionally person they already decided I had won before I went in because they sent some paperwork in before we went in before they said I had no brain injury even though on had proof
Good morning Teazymaid
Can only offer you my best wishes as I'm sure you've worked very hard to get local support.
pinkvision's practical tip/help list is brilliant - better than I could put together 🙂
Best wishes
thank you everyone I haven’t got a headways representive but that’s also a good idea .. I will definitely used all advice shared and continue with what should never be happening in the first place .sue x
Hi T
I have a friend in the UK on PIP, not with a brain injury though.
(I live in Canada.)
She has medical conditions of the sort that should be a no brainer (dark humour) in terms if an instant yes.
Yet for years she had to go through the tribunal process and it took so long she was being denied her next claim while the tribunal had just ok'd her previous one - no discussion required - they couldn't figure out why she had been denied.
The tribunal finally clued in and put a stop to the continual deny as well.
It seems to be they make it hard to put people off, rather than it being based on factual circumstances.
Highly uncivilized, in my opinion. It isn't you, it's them.
So, just keep going.
Yeah exactly what my husband said as it does hit you hard .. like your not believed and not worthy 🥴 even though I know all of this it still has an impact .. the system is appalling and yeah o do think it is out there to put people off .. such a shame that we actually need financial help and recognition Sue x
My friend says it is because a company does the initial assessment so the more they drag it out the more money they make.That money should be going to disabled people who need it instead.
Sometimes the bean counters and politicians make really horrific decisions.
The suffering they cause.
Shame on them.
I was declined to but to be honest, I didn't do a Mandatory reconsideration as I simply didn't have the energy! I just couldn't face it and it is exhausting. I kind of regret it because I'll have to go through the whole process again if I decide too. I wish you all the best and pray that it will be successful 🙏
Thank you for your kind reply .. I completely understand how and why you didn’t fight it as I did feel like this but then im not going to let them win soon kicked in thank god … I feel like two people, so the post TBI just can’t do it as it is so exhausting and demoralising ,then the old me who is very self motivated and lucky still exists in the new me 🤪( very confusing) anyway yeah I’m fighting it and hope you will also fight it as we do deserve this support and truly the system needs everyone to fight it and make ourselves heard xx
It's like they don't want to give it out. I had a face to face. Then a couple month later declined pending a telephone assesment which was identical, keep at them and hopefully it will be sorted soon. And backdated, and all this changing pip over to adp ( adult disability payment ) if you can find a money matters place they are brilliant , well wishes for the onwards