My sister is severely disabled after a stroke in March this year. Since then she has been in hospital and in rehab centre - she also has a continuing infection which means she has to be barrier nursed. Monday this week she was transferred to what is supposed to be a nursing home in Sheffield. It was appalling and after a day & half she ended up in hospital again (not saying this is the fault of the home)
The standard of care was disgusting, they had no idea about her disability, she is severely disabled and needs 24 hour nursing careand cant do much for herself, but they didnt even know she was paralysed and cant even sit up on her own never mind anything else. She was left in bed all afternoon on her own with no-one coming to check on her, she couldnt even reach the buzzer to call for attention, which didnt even work!!! My niece arrived at teatime and her mum was distraught laying in soiled pad.
My niece couldnt even find any staff and had to go searching for them.
The following day my brother in law and a good friend of ours, who has worked as a senior carer herself for 40 years, visited my sister, only to find her lying in a pool of vomit and again soiled pad and in the same clothes she was wearing the day before when she arrived there. She also had trouble finding someone to assist. When the carer did come she had no clue what to do, she was trying to mop up the sick but my friend told her to get my sister stripped, washed and change her bedding which was all soiled.
Through the day my sister had family with her but there were no regular two hour toileting checks, the carers didnt know which bin bags to use for the soiled pads which is particularly shocking considering the infection risk.
My sister was vomiting on and off all day,the staff appeared not bother, said it was due to her moving!!! Eventually after my niece pushed, one of staff (nurse I assume?) came and checked her BP which was 201/135 and at this point she decided to call the GP
My sister was eventually blue lighted to hospital where she is now.
Our concern and worry is they may send her back to this carehome after discharge, which we absolutely do not want
I have emailed social service, my sisters consultant, CQC - does anyone have any experience of this sort of thing and is there anything we can do to stop her being sent back there please.
We are desperate to keep her or of there